Sunday, October 25, 2009



A friend of mine called me today and we discussed her situation at work. A co-worker, Tilly, is quite hostile and several people have quit. My friend Alicia is a psychic and can feel the negative energy and tension. Tilly’s sister works there as well and behaves the same way. Tilly’s mother-in-law is in the same building and ditto for the old gal too.
Alicia feels they (those three delightful women) are using some sort of black witchcraft.

Bad medicine, satanic rituals, black witchcraft are all negative ways of controlling some one. Negatives thoughts we send out when we are annoyed or even angry with someone affect our victims and will eventually return to us tenfold. When the negative energy is compounded with more than one person focusing on an individual, the effects can be difficult even devastating.

A few years ago, I had a very psychic acquaintance who was a Scorpio. Jon was tall and, almost skeletal in appearance. He always wore black, had black hair and eyes and a short pointed black beard. Jon walked with a cane. If someone said or did something he didn’t like, he would smack him with a cane, especially his four year old son. Jon’s son did not talk, little Al would grunt and point, but Mom or Dad would race to get what Al wanted.
I told Jon to leave his son alone and encourage Al to talk. We had quite a few discussions. Jon never did that in front of me again, but there were other problems. Jon’s wife dressed in black, was very overweight and always seemed depressed. She was a Scorpio too. She mentioned that she was into magic. I cringed when she said that because she was terribly depressed and that was not a good sign. I asked what kind of magic she was into. Sara looked at Jon and Jon answered, in fact, it was hard to get a word in with Jon holding court. Jon raced his words around not really answering. When I directly asked Sara if she was using black magic, Sara looked down and shrugged.
“Is this stuff working? Look at you, you seem so sad all the time. Yah, yah, the bad stuff is really working for you isn’t it? You should know better. You give out good, you get it back. You give out bad, you get it back.”
Jon stepped in and offered some feeble answer and asked a favour of me which I remember requesting me to lie. I gathered my things and told them I had to go.
I decided to limit my contact with those two Scorpios, they were operating and making the most of their power negatively. Within two weeks, I heard from friends that Jon misses me and wants to talk to me. I felt drained after several meetings with Jon, so I knew his negative energy was not a good sign. I did not call. Then my inamorata, Randy, asked why I wasn’t talking to Jon. Randy thought Jon had a screw loose, so this was unusual. I explained to Randy that Jon was using the black magic and that Jon was really giving me the creeps. A few days later, Jon called when I was out and Randy again, asked why I wasn’t talking to Jon. Randy, who didn’t even like the guy, was pushing me to call. This kept on for a few weeks, until I realized that the two delightful Scorpios had been using something on me. So I refused all the negative energy sent to my home and the calls stopped. A few weeks later, Randy ran into Jon who had just been released from the hospital. Jon had tried to kill himself, I never thought of him as suicidal. When I returned the energy, it automatically returned to the sender.
I have had bad medicine sent to me during a later period and when I returned the negative energies, I sent love to the sender, so that I would not have a hate connection with the person involved.
I have been to court with clients and have seen miraculous results from getting my clients to send love to the judge, other people etc.

So Alicia decided to white light herself at work and to constantly send love. I told her that sending love to the perpetrators would free her. She will feel no tension at all and be able to deal with everyone in the best way possible. However, the co-workers and mother-in-law will probably have a meltdown, likely in front of other people. Love is the only solution to the dark.

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