Monday, November 30, 2009

Angel Reading

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I had just picked up my daughter from her weekend trip to Vancouver. She stayed with her cousins and had a great time. Once we arrived home, my daughter commented on a 4 wheeled chair sitting in the backyard. I said I may bring it in the house, for it’s probably a better chair than the one I use at the computer. Cali was not happy and told me she would buy me a chair rather than have me use one left in the yard. She mentioned that we did not know the previous owners and hinted that the chair could carry some something. Anyway, she was not in a positive state over such a simple annoyance and neither was I.
I did an angel reading and this is what came through.

We are here and happy to be here. Humour--- seeing it and finding it in everyday situations is a most positive and exhilarating experience. We see a lot of humour which many miss. Laughter has the next best energy to love. You must laugh, a lot and often. Many will fail to see humour in everyday situations, so mired in their lack of appreciation for the funny. Too many on your plane believe that life is a serious business. That is silly in itself.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, lived, lived and laughed; the only way to get through most times. As you Dad would say, “ if you don’t have a sense of humour in this family, you won’t last.” Very true, some of the relationships did not last partly due to no humour in them. When children are brought up to laugh then when an attraction or relationship has little or no laughing later on in life, it will have little chance of longevity. Any relationship which has little or no laughing becomes a tedious strained relationship in just a short time.
Love, true love, requires humour. Laughing together reduces tension and builds bonds. We (collectively here), love to laugh and those of you who are funny or see humour get our vote and laughter. Sometimes we get to replay very, very humanly funny scenes over and over, the way your son does.*
Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter does lighten the load and laughter does allow other possibilities (in any situation) to be seen. See what is funny, after a while it will not be hard to see. After all the grimness and seriousness of day to day living is easily seen and carried out as a burden by so many. What if every one spent a part of each day looking for what was funny? The world would change over night! There has been enough fear either deliberately manipulated or just a reaction to life. Isn’t it time for a change? Life can be way more fun and lived with more feeling. Look for the funny, that in itself will bring you to the the moment. Being in the moment allows you to make the best choices for your future.

Laugh, laugh, laugh.

Thank you angels

* My son Rigil will replay funny parts of a movie over and over again and laugh uproariously each time. At this point in the meditation, I saw the angels laughing at what another son Armin was saying. He has the humour of Jim Carey and makes us all laugh.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Angels are everywhere. Every child is born with an angelic guide. Angels are allowed to help us but we need to ask, except when we are in danger and it is not time for us to leave. I have seen angels around people, usually to the side or behind them. Anger or depression can block our great instincts and timing, so angels suggest that we should change our energy. One way is to laugh. Watch a funny movie that is a cheerer-upper!

My daughter was in a bad car accident just over a year ago. While I was on the phone getting the details, I heard a voice tell me she was fine. Cali was drinking and would not drive, so she allowed a drunk boyfriend (with no license) to drive her car. He was speeding, lost control, hit a ditch where the car flipped and landed upside down on a tall fence. Cali was found 60 feet from the car, sitting up. She had severe lacerations on the right side of her neck.
When I arrived at the hospital, Cali was in emergency, strapped to a board, her neck encased in a plastic brace. There were cuts on her arms, dirt and blood on her face. She drifted in and out of awareness. I began to reiki her and saw a vision. A huge angel in bronze robes lifted her from her car before it crashed into the fence. The doctor working on getting glass out of her neck, told her she was very lucky, a fraction deeper and she would have bled to death. Every nurse and every doctor told her she was given a second chance and to use it wisely. Every time I visited her in the hospital, someone was telling her how lucky she was. Her face was totally untouched, amazing!
Cali told me that she remembers unbuckling her seat belt just before the car hit the ditch. She said she felt compelled to do it. Her ex-boyfriend had his seat belt on and was found sitting outside the car completely unable to talk, battered, bruised with a broken hip. We saw him a week after the accident and he was on crutches, looking a mess. Cali only sustained the cuts on her neck, no bruising or broken bones. I think that convinced her about the angelic help.

When I do see angels around people, I get pushed into telling strangers that the angels have messages for them. One such day, I was delivering food (worked for a catering company) and every place, I went, truck dealerships, welding shops, newspaper offices, even Shaw cable, I saw angels, angels with messages. At Kentworth, a big truck dealership, I approached a young dark haired woman.
“Hi. I see angels and they have been trying to yell you something.” At this point the twenty something woman stared at me and I had no idea what I was supposed to say. However, the angels helped me out as they always do.
“ You must listen to your heart much more and please don’t discount what another says until it reaches your heart.” The angels said she was very stubborn and needed to listen more and talk less. This I told her along with a few other things. I went about my business and as I was leaving, an older woman came up to me and said she had to stop herself from laughing. She stared at me and said,”You know those angels were so right.”
That helped so the day continued. I encouraged a young man to speak his feelings to his fairly new girlfriend.
At Shaw, and older man opened a door for me and followed me into the lunch room. When we passed through the doorway, I told him I see angels and he nodded. Then I told him not to pay attention to some of the old boys giving him advice. He must treat his staff with kindness and not hard-heartedness. Rules are meant to be broken, people must be treated like human beings, not machinery. This man looked thoughtful, thanked me and slowly walked into the office area.
A woman sitting on her own was eating lunch and I launched into I see angels spiel. I told her that I knew she had a bad week, but she must not stay in that space, she was to go home and rent funny movies. In that way, she would have a better week next week. By the time I finished talking, the young lady was crying. This poor girl was grateful that I even talked to her. When I did see her the following week, she seemed happier.

I have only had one time where the reaction was not positive. It was early in the morning and I was sitting in the back of a very crowded Edmonton transit bus. A young male teenager, was standing in the center of the bus surrounded by other teenagers. I was urged to talk to him. I made my way through the standing passengers until I stood in front of him.
“Excuse me, I need to talk to you,” I said
He looked at me and as I told him that I see angels, his eyes opened wider. When I said I had a message for him, he began to scour the faces around him. I could feel his fear that I was crazy. I kept going, telling him that although he has been very sad and depressed lately, he did not need to stay in that state. I continued saying that the angels would help him, all he had to do was ask. I cannot remember what else I said, for then he really began to look frantic. When the bus finally lurched to a stop, he rushed past me, raced down the stairs and out of the bus. I began to laugh at his reaction and I asked the angels to please give him a hand.

Just listen to your heart, if you feel uneasy about a decision it’s your heart. Is it a good decision coming from love or something else. Something else may not be so good. However, following your heart can sometimes require courage. Anything not coming from a place of love is usually not the best choice. Make the best choice, so that you can look yourself in the mirror. Some rules are not rules of the heart no matter how much they are enforced.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Astrology: Did you know

Aries rules the head and are known to get headaches. Aries are often in a hurry to get where they need to go. Banging their heads is common. Many Aries end up with scars on their heads as a result of not looking where they are going. Aries is a terribly creative sign and are famous for having a million and one ideas. Unfortunately this sign is also famous for being sent to jail. They really must try to use their good ideas! After all this is the pioneer sign. They will go where no one else will.

Did you know that Taurus is the farming sign? The average Taurus is wonderful with plants. Almost all your dying plants can be brought back to life by a Taurus. Taurus rules the throat and many Taurus males often have thick throats giving them a very solid and strong appearance. However, little Tauruses can suffer from tonsillitis and bronchitis.
I met a couple of Tauruses who were married to each other. It was like watching a couple of cows slowly move around in a pasture.

Did you know that Gemini is the salesman sign? Geminis are famous for their clever talk and witty repartee. This is also the artist sign for it rules the arms. My own sister is an artistic Gemini who once broke her arm falling off the doghouse. A Gemini can pretty much talk on any subject, but if someone else knows more about a specific subject, the Gemini will change the subject.

Did you know that Cancer is the family sign? They also love food and a well placed Cancer in a chart can indicate a good cook. I once sat next to a Cancer on a plane who proceeded to tell me all the best places in North America for eating hotdogs, lobster, steaks etc. Then he added, “I’m on a diet now.” Cancer rules the breasts and men with Cancer often stare at a woman’s breasts when they talk to them.

Did you know that Leo is the acting sign? They are famous for being very dramatic. Leo rules the heart and Leos are famous for their generosity and big hearts. Leos love their hair and a trip to the hairdresser can be a traumatic experience, if the cut is not to their liking. If a Leo closes off his heart to love, watch out for a heart attack.

Did you know that Virgos can drive their children crazy? The constant tendency to criticize can be overwhelming. When a Virgo arrives at a new situation they can easily see all the problems. This is the nursing sign. Health is a big concern and many Virgos become vegetarians. Since I lived with a Virgo and I am one I can say this. This ex-Virgo held up a mirror to me which made me say, “ if I act like that, I promise I will not from now on.” So easy to say. Virgo rules the intestines, so constipation can be a problem,

Did you know that Libras believe inequality? A Libra can always see when the scales are not balanced in a relationship. Many Libras lean toward becoming lawyers because the unfairness in the world needs to be rectified. Libra rules the kidneys and liver and those are also the weak spots. However, Libras have a very difficult time expressing their feelings and can be really good at pointing out the problems other people have. This is not a morning sign. Tread softly until noon.

Did you know that Scorpio is the sign of the spy? Scorpios can ferret out secrets from the best of you and yet will reveal nothing personal about themselves. They do have a hard time trusting anyone and can become very cynical with age, not a pretty sight. Scorpio rules the sex glands, reproductive system. Yes, this sign is famous for bed hopping.

Did you know that Sagittarius is the athlete and traveller of the zodiac? Take a look at Australia, a Sagittarius country. Are they not famous for travelling? Sagittarius rules the hips which is where the body holds balance. Sagittarians are known for their sense of humour and can be armchair philosophers, if they haven’t travelled. A lack of tolerance can speed up hip problems.

Did you know that Capricorns aspire to great power? Usually a poor childhood with less than enough love will do that. Capricorn rules the back, knees and teeth. Caps often believe in the status quo and can live to be very old. They love rules and figure everyone should obey without question. Often as they become older they can live the lifestyle of a hermit. If a Capricorn does not learn to bend, then the knees, teeth and back can become a problem.

Did you know that Aquarius is the scientist sign? They have a huge curiosity about the world and enjoy meeting people who have seen and done things they haven’t. They can talk when prodded, but can tune out a crowd of 5, 000 if you have an interesting tale to tell. Aquarius rules the calves. This absent minded sign (and it often is) can easily forget appointments if something or someone more fascinating shows up.

Did you know that Pisces is the dancer sign? Pisces rules the feet and many Pisces often end up with foot issues. This is also the most psychic sign. Did you know that there are a large number of highly placed Pisces who reached those levels because of their trust in their psychic ability? This most compassionate sign must be careful of not becoming martyrs. So many Pisces are often in relationships that are less than happy and develop illnesses for loving attention. The best cure is to dance every day and do what is best for them.

Monday, November 16, 2009



At the end of 1999, the agency I was working for hired a new director. The old one left to take a lower paying position with social services. No one knew why, but the agency felt (to me) like it was falling apart. The new director was Kay, a cheerful smart woman. Kay began to study everything related to the agency. Since we had become friends and I spent most of my time out of the office, Kay would relate unusual findings. She discovered a large sum of money missing. When Kay made inquiries, the staff told her to mind her own business, when it was her business. The old director still had friends covering her.

Kay became isolated and unsure who to trust, especially when she was told to never close her office door or warned about talking to other staff. Kay told me she had a dream that she went to the office and there snakes everywhere. The dream began to be repeated and Kay knew she needed to clean the snakes out or get out.
One evening at the end of February, my supervisor called me in a panic. Sheila told me to call Kay. A little weasel from the board of directors came to the office, told Kay to take a few days off to rethink and change her approach. Kay was not to find what happened to the missing funds. Also Sheila thought that bad medicine had been used on Kay.
I called Kay and she was very upset, for not only was she unceremoniously forced from her office, but she had red streaks growing from her fingertips to her elbows. Kay had no idea what it meant, but she knew it was not good.
The first thing I told Kay to do was to white light herself and her surroundings. It was late so I promised to come to see her the following evening. We spent a long time talking, most of it reassuring Kay that she would be fine.

Friday morning Kay called me. She was very excited. Kay had spent an hour or more Thursday evening, while lighting herself, her apartment, the building and all of Edmonton. In the morning, the city was covered in hoar frost. All the trees were beautiful in their frosted decorations. The city of Edmonton looked a fairyland. Kay was thrilled that she might be responsible, which was entirely possible. It was the only day that winter which looked like that. Kay also said that the angry red streaks were slowly becoming shorter.
When I showed up Friday night, Kay was in good spirits as I cleaned her apartment spiritually. All negative energy was returned to the sender and it seemed to me that as many as 5 people had been involved with bad medicine and it bad medicine had definitely been used on Kay. By the end of the weekend, Kay had no streaks on her arms.

Kay went back to work, but began to look for work elsewhere. Kay left in August which was the best idea any way. I left at the beginning of December to work for another agency as a family support worker, again. Several years passed until one day I ran into someone from the old agency. Pat began with ‘Did you hear’?
It appeared that everyone I suspected of wishing harm on Kay had lost someone. One woman lost a husband, another brother, one was assaulted even children of the perpetrators had not been exempt. The events which took lives were bizarre, weird.

Everything we do comes back on us, I would rather get along with people than curse them. I would rather hand out love and stay away from negative people.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


In September of 1985, my three boys and I moved into a house in Edmonton. The day we moved in, I had a lecture to give in Drayton Valley just outside Edmonton. My oldest son, Lance was 17, so I left him in charge. I told him I would not be coming home until the following evening. Lance said it was no problem, so off I went. Tuesday night, I returned home to discover an agitated teenager. Lance told me that there was banging in the house and footsteps in the night. He awoke in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, grabbed a machete in his closet and raced down the stairs to the main floor and then to the basement following the steps. Lance realized that if something or someone was there, he really did not know what he would to do. So he went back to bed and stayed awake listening to all the sounds of the house.
My younger boys would not play in the basement recreation room and when I went downstairs to do laundry, I would race down , throw the laundry in and race back upstairs. There was a very heavy feeling in the house.
Cupboard doors would bang, footsteps continued and sometimes I would hear things being tossed around in the upstairs bathroom. Whenever I checked, there was never anything amiss. I brought in a psychic friend to banish the ghosts. I saw spirits on several occasions, but the noises continued. The house was about fifty years old, so I went downtown to the Edmonton office to check on previous tenants complaining of strange activities in our house. There was nothing.
For some reason, I kept getting the last tenant’s mail. Gloria would come over to pick the mail up, but was perplexed because she had put in a change of address. Eventually, Gloria and I realized that we needed to meet. Her own son refused to be in the house alone when they lived in the black and white house. Gloria had some unsettling experiences, but told no one about them.
One night, I had just begun to fall asleep and I felt a presence in my room. It did not feel good at all, however I could not shake myself awake or open my eyes. Then, I felt something on my face, restricting my breathing. I felt like I was getting smothered. That’s when I called on the angels and God to help me. I was finally able to open my eyes and I saw a bent outline of something at the foot of my bed. To go back to sleep was hard, so I whitelighted myself and asked for protection.
When I told Gloria about this, she admitted that the same thing had happened to her. Gloria’s dog was in the bedroom at the time and began barking and barking until Gloria was able to break the weird hold the presence had on her. Gloria stated that she heard that the houses were built on a grave site years ago.
When my sister Ruth moved in with her son Daniel shortly after this, Ruth said she felt as though there was some sort of vortex in the house. The presence which was fond of smothering was an old lady who had lived in the house years ago and she wanted us out.
We looked for another house. Gloria (who became a great friend), Ruth and I walked through all the choices until we found one which had no unwanted visitors. My children were much more relaxed in the new house. Whew!

Since then I learned how to clear a house. About five years ago, one of my daughters had a friend whose stepdad had a heart attack. Tamara called in a panic and wanted to know if I could help. I did an angel reading for Tamara’s mother. The stepdad showed up wearing a blue jean shirt and talked about how he was blocked with his feelings but how he loved Tamara’s mother. Tamara’s mother was shocked because her husband wore a blue jean shirt a lot. After the funeral, I was invited to the house. There were about ten other people there all waiting to hear something. The stepdad Jim, stood behind Tamara’s mother and spoke. It’s always telepathic with those who leave this earth. It was great to see how love is always what comes through. No one ever says, they should have worked more. The departed (really still very much alive) wish they could have loved more, been more expressive with love and less demanding with petty material things.
Anyway Maria, Tamara’s mother asked that I check the house over. The house was probably built sometime around WWII. So I wandered through the house, inspecting every room. When I came to the basement, there were two carved masks on the recreation room wall. The negative energy oozed from them. One mask was a happy grimace and the other a sad one. These are the type of masks that represent the theatre, tragedy and comedy. However, there was nothing pleasant or happy about these masks. When the masks were made, the creator put bad, bad energy into his creation. Tamara said she hated coming downstairs, she didn’t like the feeling. I told Tamara and her mother Maria to get rid of the masks, burying them would be a good idea. The masks were taken off the wall and the energy changed in the house.

A few years ago, my oldest son Lance flew me to visit him in England. Right out of the airport, we drove to Stonehenge. I saw monks from another age walking around with torches. One monk wore a light coloured robe and hood while the others were all in brown. Stonehenge was not always used for the good of mankind.
Then my son, daughter-in-law and grandchild drove to Woodhenge. I know, I had never heard of it either. There was a large tree stump set in the middle of large elipical circles. Originally there were short tree stumps in these circles. Each circle had larger stumps than the last one. The wood eventually rotted, so the farmer who owned the field replaced each wooden stump with metal ones. I sat on the middle stump and was overcome with grief. I saw people being dragged to the inner stump, Some sort of sentence was pronounced by the individual on the stump. There were beatings and even death. My son, Lance was taking pictures and asked what was wrong as I began to sob. I left Woodhenge behind pretty quickly.
Next, we went to Avebury a few miles away. Avebury is still a small village surrounded by extremely large stones, similar to Stonehenge. The aerial photo resembles a face with eyes, nose and a mouth. Many of the stones have been chipped away and used for building houses and fences, but it is still easy to see and feel the effect of the village surrounded by stones. My impression was that Avebury was built to offset the negative effects of Stonehenge and Woodhenge, a protection for the villagers. Someone was very clever in building the stone circle, for the stones still feel good, have a good energy.

My son’s hobby in England is belonging to a re-enactment group. The group was playing beside a castle, surrounded by an empty moat. There was sword fighting, dancing, archery, juggling and a play along the lines of a country fair a la 13/14th century. We (me too!) slept in pavilion like tents next to the castle and wore the clothes of that medieval period. We could wear no watches, glasses, jewellery or anything modern. Even the food we ate had to be roughly the same, hunks of bread, cheese, fruit etc.

Just before the show began, one of the young maidens from the group and I went into the castle. We climbed long stone steps which ascended to the third floor. The second floor had held the great hall, had long ago collapsed and was cordoned off. Once we reached the third floor, there was a flagstone walk past long windows. At the end of the walk, I could see a woman dresses in a teal green dress, wool, it appeared. She wore a headpiece, fitting the head, but flaring out at the sides. The sides of the hat matched her dress, but the centre of her hat was white. This woman walked back and forth staring out the window. My assumption was that she was worried about her husband who was off fighting. Then I got a really strong sense that she was worried that her husband was off somewhere with other women. My companion and I rushed through the rest of the castle, but on the bottom floor, I saw lots of people busily carrying sacks. These people were mostly men dressed in varying shades of brown. These were ghosts for there actually no living person there other than us.
At the end of all the play battles, I sat with a few young squires (knights in waiting) and mentioned the female spirit I had seen. Mark looked at me and said, ”You are giving me shivers. Do you know the history of the castle?”
I admitted that I didn’t. There were no signs or legends anywhere. Mark proceeded to tell me that King Edward II of England had built the castle in 1100 A.D. Edward had married some Spanish or Portuguese princess. Edward’s wife had basically had Edward tortured and killed for being unfaithful. I could not listen to those details. Anyway, her son imprisoned her in the castle for 30 years for killing his father. I did not see her when she was imprisoned for 30 years, only when she was worried. Spirits often get stuck in traumatic events as did she. I saw and heard a lot of spirits in England.

When I came back to Canada, My living window had a green plastic garbage bag taped to it. There was a huge hole where someone had smashed my window in the middle of the night. My two daughters living at home did not really know who had done this. Since this was now the beginning of September, I needed to get my window fixed. It took almost two months and the weather was getting chilly.
One day in November, I sat with my back to the tv set and heard that a young boy had been stabbed to death at a house party not too far from where I lived. I made a mental note to ask my daughters if they knew him. Within 10 minutes, my youngest daughter came flying down the stairs, crying. As I asked her what was wrong, I could see a young teenager building up a few feet away. My daughter told me that a boy she knew had been killed. I asked if he matched the description I could now see in my family room. Then this young kid told me he was sorry he had broken my living room window. I told my daughter and she blurted out. ‘I always wondered if he did it.” This was not the end of this boy whom I had never met, nor was it the last apology I had received from the departed.
Life is stranger than fiction, but fiction often comes from life.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Have you ever found yourself interested in other countries, time periods or languages? Reincarnation is a fact with many countries in the world. That is not to say that those people that know remember lives. Children are the ones who can remember details and as parents we often put it down to a great imagination.
Where do think young genius comes from? It could be a talent developed in a past life and remembered on an unconscious level. Why would I have only one life which has been great, when another may be born crippled or blind or deaf?
When I was married to my first husband Bruce, we both enjoyed historical drams. He enjoyed watching the lives of royalty while I was fascinated with the women working in the taverns. When I began waitressing (while still married), I took to it like a duck to water.
When I cast a chart, I can always see past lives which have much to do with likes, dislikes and personality traits. While attending the University of Calgary in the 80’s, I saw past lives superimposed on every new person I met. That lasted for a year and a half, these images came unbidden. My friends would eagerly wait for my impressions.
One woman, Anita, who was obtaining her B.Ed brought two images when I met her for the first time. There was a man , dressed in nondescript brown clothing who had been stoned for speaking his mind and left for dead. The other was a woman from a harem. I told Anita that the reason she never gave her opinion was the stoning and her love of beautiful clothing and style came from the harem life. When Anita had her chart done, I gave her more details.
A client in the group homes I worked in was very loud and talked about writing a book about the west. I saw him as a gunslinger who pretty much took care of anyone without much thought about it. In this life, his father was long gone and his mother had very tenuous ties to him. I did see that he was responsible for her death in the gunslinger life. Unconsciously, David’s mother had been very hard on him as a child and had beaten him saying she could not deal with him.
Another client Emma was autistic and non-verbal. Whenever Emma was upset ( very easy for her), she would bite her own arms so that her arms were always red and rashy looking. Emma’s mother left Edmonton, so Emma very rarely saw her Mom. I saw Emma (in a past life) as a member of a royal family, a spoiled member. In that life, Emma would beat and hit anyone who came within striking distance, if she was displeased. Now she was hampered by her own reflexes and beating herself.
Everything comes back on us and I, for one, want it to be the good stuff.
Whatever I hand out gets returned, tenfold. Do I want to be constantly angry or consistently happy? Blaming outside influences will get me nowhere, so I choose not to do the angry dance.

Illnesses can often appear as a result of past lives or negative attitudes such as guilt, anger or shame. Boy oh boy we can all carry a lot of those. Send love to everyone you like and dislike. Don’t carry the negativity with you. It will weigh you down and make you sick.

Judgements are for the birds, they can cause you to temporarily feel better when you assume the judgement position, but eventually you will be judging more and more and tolerating less and less. We need to cut each other some slack since we can’t walk a mile in each other’s shoes in this life. If I have a hard time liking anyone who is Asian, brown, black, gay, Moslem, Hindu, Indian, fat etc., guess what? You will be exactly what you can’t stand in another life. Watch your words and your thoughts. Love is all there is, for a great life.