Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Day at an Edmonton Cemetery

Mount Pleasant Cemetery

The day was overcast with intermittent sun. My granddaughter Holly sat in the back seat, all nine and a half years of her. I stopped by to pick up Kirsten and her two year old, Emmy. Emmy and Kirsten were sitting on cement steps outside their townhouse. Greetings and smiles all around as Kirsten belted Emmy into her car seat and then Kirsten climbed into the front seat.

Mount Pleasant is located in an older, larger treed neighbourhood. The graveyard begins across the street from the ending of Mount Pleasant elementary School and near the end of the houses on the cemetery side.

I drove in the closest entrance to 51 Avenue. There was definitely a heavy serious feeling in the air. The road meandered around, small hills blocking out the houses. Trees dotted the graveyard. I finally stopped beside a little hill. All of us debarked and headed for the sites on the passenger side. The small gravestones near the road belonged to young children and newborns from over fifty years ago. Some dated to the 1800 hundreds.

Emmy and Holly ran around. Holly read dates and ages, while Emmy sat or walked in between tight fitting, back to back headstones. On this grey, windy, August day, I began to see children playing, 4 or 5 year olds, laughing and watching us. These children gathered together because of their own funerals many years ago. The clothing, from what I remember, seemed as if from the forties or fifties.

The energy in the air was definitely heavier despite being open air. In closed places, energy from traumatic events can become trapped, but I expected the graveyard to be lighter than it was. Thousands of funerals had gone through this old graveyard, with thousands of people mourning, crying, depressed etc. I can understand the heaviness now.

When Kirsten and I were standing at the top of the hill in the middle of the graves, I began to see a woman, dark haired, sporting a tight sweater, a poodle skirt (without the poodle picture) and a wide belt come towards us. She dressed like she was straight out of the fifties. Then she faded away. I don’t know whether she died in the fifties or whether the fifties had been the part of her life she had liked the best. Many spirits, if they died when they were older, often appear much younger when they allow themselves to be seen. They go back to that part of their lives when they were healthy and happy.

My granddaughter said she saw children playing across the other side of the road (spirit children of course). That was it other than the fact that there were so many Margarets on the gravestones. That is my given name, one which my mother always calls me.

The Ringing Cedar Series

Anastasia. What a person! My Dad used to say that an individual only uses about 10% of her his brain----if!. I always thought that if we could tap our psychic powers and develop, those powers could increase. I felt that through yoga. Anastasia is just that woman. She uses so much more brain, heart and spiritual power. We are supposed to be like her--- good, kind, compassionate, loving. That makes her so powerful. We can be just as powerfully good, loving and compassionate by operating from our hearts.

The feeling of magic and mysticism overcame me while I read the books; each book more powerful than the last.

The Ringing Cedar Series are just what the world needs.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I do think that God is like a parent who REALLY loves us. We don’t always get punished for not making choices our parents want us to make. Wait a minute, some parents are like that. If we behave, they love us and if we don’t, well……….
However, there is much talk about unconditional love and how as parents, we should love our children with no strings attached. I believe that is the real deal. This is how God is. He loves us unconditionally. Is He not the real example of unconditional love?

The religious take on God is more human, loving and judgemental, forgiving and punishing, more like us humans. Didn’t God give us free will? Doesn’t that mean that sometimes we don’t make the best choices? Should we be punished for minor bad choices and major bad choices? If God has all this power could He not just strike us down instead of sending us to hell? God has been humanized with the worst human traits of intolerance, lack of patience and a ridiculous judgemental attitude by most of the religions. This is an easy way to control souls who are not sure if their particular religious leaders are correct or not. Make them feel guilty. We are so easily controlled if we can be made to feel guilty. Also, you can burn in hell if you break religious rules.

One of the things I do is go in and de-haunt houses. Stuck ghosts always feel guilty for their earthly actions, even when they were extremely religious when alive. Even the ultra religious can be afraid of moving on. Thousands of years with religions controlling how we think, who we talk to, who we marry and what we do has had a tremendous impact on all of us. It’s time to realize and recognize that God is the source of unconditional love. This is the God I believe in.

What happens when people return from a near death experience? They are no longer afraid of God because for the brief time of death, they were greeted with love, so totally and completely that they don’t even have words to describe the death experience. No fear of dying now or where they will go.

Who is in charge of the afterlife? God! Why do returning souls only feel love? Love is really all there is. The concentration of love is really what all the religions should be concerned about. Rules are meant to be broken when they go against the heart. God is all about unconditional love, shouldn’t we be copying that?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


This morning while I was waiting for my first children, the pair of D.J.s began to ask for opinions on chipping your children. The pro argument is always the same. What if your child was lost or taken?

Well, children can move quickly when curious. My youngest son used to go for a walk so many times that I can’t believe that my hair did not turn grey when he was 4. Little Rigil would make sure the rest of us were busy, then, he would light out on his own. The rest of the children and I would notice him missing and begin our search outdoors. He always ended up with those who were nice. He was given chips, toys, popcorn, and clothes. His instincts, for kind people, was infallible. A few times the police were called by the people who found him, and if I spotted a police car, I would race to the spot. One time, Rigil saw me coming and scrambled from the front seat into the back seat of the police car. The policeman asked if I was his foster mother. Another time, a cop was holding Rigil and Rigil threw his arms around the man’s neck and hung on for dear life.

Man, could he walk fast!!!! It seemed that he was only gone 5 minutes and by the time I found him once, he had gone at least 16 blocks. Rigil was 5 years old at the time. Whenever I finally convinced whoever it was that Rigil was mine, Rigil would keep saying sorry and grab my arm to kiss. I just kept telling him that I loved him and that was why I was so worried. Rigil kept running until he was in high school. Whew!! Rigil has Down’s Syndrome and this is apparently common, although I never met anyone else who went through this for years.

Saying all this, I still would not have had Rigil chipped. Fine!!! Get your animals chipped, if you are worried. The basic idea of chipping is very science fiction, but not in a good way. Did you know that the U.S. military is chipping soldiers? The plan is eventually to convince people to get children chipped. After that, there will probably be a terrific amount of encouragement to get adults chipped. Why?

Maybe we would be easier to find and control. The chip can easily be controlled by a computer. All our financial information could be in the chip as well as our health. If someone decides that they don’t like what I have to say, I will bet that my health could be at risk. This sounds like robot town. The way the world works, there is a huge amount of disapproval for those who don’t fit in or agree with whatever the common opinion is. I am not interested in being controlled. Those manipulating the computers which house the chip information better have lots of integrity when playing with the chip information. Isn’t there a saying, “power corrupts”? Have we seen lots of evidence of corruption in our religions, governments and police forces, never mind drug companies, insurance companies etc.? I would rather do what is best for me than expect those in power to tell me what to do. Sorry, no chipping for my children. I want them healthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Where did cover your hair come from?

For those living in hot, tropical countries, I understand the need to wear a hat or a covering. Being in the hot sun day after day for extended periods, could fry the brain. My ex-husband, for example loves the cool weather. Once when we were married and the children were small, we went to Calgary raceway, for car racing.

It was a hot, dry summer day. Within half an hour, I could feel that I had too much sun. So I draped a t-shirt over my arms. My children and husband had caps on. However, we all went home with too much sun. My face and arms were burnt. The children were red across their faces, but my husband had a terrible headache. He then told me that he had sunstroke before and had been hospitalized. If he had not been wearing a cap, he would have been much sicker.

I used to have a Hutterite friend, Elizabeth. I spent the day on the colony with her. Elizabeth and the other females all wear kerchiefs on their heads. The rule is that all kerchiefs can be removed after home. Elizabeth said that she kept hers on until she went to bed, but that younger women, especially the unmarried ones remove theirs after 6. I should have asked why the kerchiefs were kept on all day, probably so the men are not driven wild, I presume. Anyway, Elizabeth was the same age as I was, yet looked older and her hair was terribly thin on her head. Elizabeth told me that all the older women were losing their hair. There is an easy solution, remove the kerchiefs, let the hair breathe!!! Remember men make the rules and rule each colony, so there is only a grade eight education allowed and guaranteed no woman would be allowed to remove her headpiece.

Then, when I moved to Alberta, I noticed every guy had a truck and wore a ball cap on his head. However, over the years, men coming from families with great thick hair, are indeed losing their hair. For those wearing a ball cap day after day, beware, beware!!!

I grew up in Quebec and while in grade seven, I went to a Catholic school in Rosemere. The nuns taught us and lived there in the school. The school had a depressed feeling as soon as I walked in the doors. I had to be quiet and I never saw any example of laughing or cheerfulness in the halls. It was like being in a church.

The headgear the nuns wore was pointed at the top and not a hair protruded from the tight fitting white cloth enclosing each face. We, the students used to wonder whether the nuns had shaved heads or very short hair. It must have been hotter than hell in the summer, I would bet.

Tibetan nuns shave their heads and don’t need hats. They may be more similar to the old time Christian nuns than they realize.

Several years ago, I worked in a number of group homes. One Saturday, I went to a home in the west end of Edmonton that I had never worked at before. A young woman with shoulder length dark hair answered the door. She explained all the duties and responsibilities for the house. We talked about a number of different subjects before she had to leave. It was then that she began packing on the clothes. I had not realized that she was Moslem. When I asked about covering her hair, she explained. Men are attracted to women and women could be raped because their hair is exposed. Hair is so sexual according to this woman. Can’t the men control themselves, I posed. We did get into another discussion, but this whole reasoning seemed so ridiculous to me. Look what happens when men make the rules. I grew up Catholic. Look how ridiculous, the rules were for women generation after generation. Women had to wear hats in church, men were not allowed. Nuns wore headpieces all the time, maybe that’s part of it.

My Dad’s old neighbourhood, in Montreal was peopled with mainly Irish Catholic and Orthodox Jews. The Hasidic Jewish men sported hats and curls in front of each ear. The women were reported to have shaved their heads once they married. Apparently, these same women have to resort to wearing wigs. The wigs are itchy. I don’t know the reasons behind this shaving, but I would guess again that men have made the rules, as they do in every religion.

Then there are men with covered hair and covered heads. Their women have beautiful hair they can show. The turbaned men all look like each other as they become older. Their beards and hair are allowed to grow long. The hair is tucked into a turban wrapped around their heads. The beards are tucked in at the sides to give a neat and similar appearance. I think I might have a hard time picking my guy out if I was married to one of these men. However, these men are wearing their uniform, just like the nuns of old. Hmmmm!!!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For....

Several years ago, when my children and I were living in Riverdale, the weather was cold and rainy for about two weeks. Hey, it’s pretty much the same as it has been these last two weeks, except we did get snow yesterday!!!!

Anyway, my boyfriend, Sonny, told me that he would cut my lawn after work. Sonny was a cement finisher and no stranger to physical work. The day was overcast, with an unsteady drizzle, like today.

I was in the house doing a chart when I heard the lawnmower start up. I completed the chart and my client left. I went outside to see whether Sonny would like a cup of herbal tea or something to eat. No, he said, he would wait until the lawn was done.
I made lasagne for supper and had a little tomato sauce splashed on my yellow t-shirt. Stacking the dishes in the sink, I put on the kettle for tea. Once the tea was steeped, I poured some into a mug, added a dollop of honey and walked through the kitchen down the steps to the back door. I saw Sonny at the back door and as I opened the door, he said rather quietly “I just cut off my toes.” I stared at him, thinking he was joking. Sonny was quite the teaser. Then Sonny yelled, “Move!” I jumped, startled. He headed around the outside of the house and I raced to the bedroom, grabbed my purse with my wallet and thrust my feet into loafers at the front door. Then I ran down the front steps to Sonny’s car. He was seated on the passenger side.
I always put a white light around me when I drive and I needed to since I had never driven Sonny’s car before. I guess I was taking too long, because Sonny urged me, ‘Hurry up. I thought you liked to drive fast.”
“I don’t know your car,” I responded. Well, the steering wheel was loose and I turned the corner carefully as I slid onto a busy road. I was cautious and Sonny kept telling me to go faster. Sonny gripped the door handle, rocked himself a little and tucked his lips between his teeth as I drove.

The car felt so loose, but we finally arrived at the Royal Alex hospital. I drove right into the emergency entrance where the ambulances parked. Two attendants walked toward the car, one of the men shaking his head, disapprovingly. When they reached the driver’s window, I didn’t give them a chance to talk, and burst out with, “He just cut his toes off.” Both medics hurried around to passenger door, one reached for a folded up wheelchair and Sonny was whisked into the chair. As they pushed Sonny around the car toward the emergency door, I pulled out of the enclosed exit and looked for a parking spot outside.
Once out of the car, I straightened my top with the tomato stain, smoothed my shorts, with a small tear and noticed I had two different shoes on, one white and the other tan. My white shoe had a hole near the big toe. I laughed, shook my head and walked toward the emergency entrance.
The same two medics stood at the entrance, one of them laughed as he stared at my shoes. I laughed and said, ”I’ve got two more at home just like these.”
When I went inside, Sonny was sitting in a wheelchair near the nurses’ desk. He had already been processed and was waiting, gripping the arms of the chair. Sonny asked me to do him a favour, would I check his foot to see how many toes he still had left. I crouched down beside him and peeled back the torn white leather of his right foot. Part of his large toe and the toe beside it were gone. I went to the reception desk and asked the nurses how long we had to wait. About half an hour, maybe more, I was told.
I went back to Sonny who said he really needed something for the pain.

Back to the reception desk, I asked the nurses where I could go to get something for the pain. I was told that Sonny could get nothing until a doctor looked at him. I told Sonny and waited a few minutes. I went back to the nurses and questioned them again about the wait. A nurse separated from the other nurses and came toward me. She said she would try and get him in soon and don’t get any meds, she cautioned.
Within five minutes, the same nurse catches my eye and tells me to follow her. I wheel Sonny into an emergency room. A nurse removes Sonny’s shoe and cleans his foot. I head to the pay phones and begin calling Sonny’s family. As I walk back and forth through the hospital, I see people staring at my mismatched shoes.

Then Sonny is taken to an emergency operating room. I walk around to the head of Sonny’s bed and begin reiking him. A female doctor comes in and unwraps his foot. Sonny makes a joke about the wrong foot being looked at. The doctor stares uncomprehendingly and then Sonny laughs. In walks the orthopaedic surgeon, he checks Sonny’s foot and the female doctor assists. I was still reiking Sonny as his foot was unwrapped and damage was being detailed.
I began to feel really hot and slightly sick. I kept my hands on Sonny’s head, concentrating on attempting to make Sonny feel better. The next thing I remember, I was on the floor and the woman doctor was asking if I was okay. Sonny was howling with laughter. Apparently, I passed out, slid down and caught my neck on the crossbars of the bed. The orthopaedic surgeon told the female doctor that I had fainted, she didn’t move because she thought we were joking again. By the time this woman got to me I was gurgling and gagging from lack of air. She put me on the floor. When I came to all I said was, “I never fainted before.”
“You did now,” stated the doctor.
Sonny said he felt my hands slide and heard me gagging. He said he never felt any pain for the whole time because he was laughing so hard. I hit a bunch of bed pans as I went down and was stuck under the bed. Sonny said the woman doctor was funny to watch as she struggled to stay where she was. She could not believe I had actually fainted.

Sonny’s toes were fixed. He came back to my house for a few days where I monitored his meds and took him for check-ups. One of my daughters told Sonny that she went into the backyard to look for his toes and could not find them.

Sonny used to complain about his toes, he always thought they were too long. After his accident and lots of discussions, Sonny began to croon to his existing toes. “I love you babies.” Be careful what you don’t like, throw enough negative energy at something and your wish will come true. It’s better to be grateful!!

I went out and bought a push mower. My oldest, at home was a teenager and since my children were young, I wanted them safe. Push mowers require a lot more energy and I am usually sweating and hot by the time I finish mowing even when the weather is cool, like today.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Early Sunday morning I got a call from Faron, a friend of mine. He was a little worried because he could not contact his son Mark for a ride. Faron’s truck limped into town Saturday night from Rocky Mountain House. Apparently some bearings went on the truck. Anyway, Faron needed a ride to get to Caroline, Alberta because he was riding in the rodeo.

I picked Faron up. He was wearing his jeans, boots, shirt, jean jacket and a cowboy hat. It was overcast and chilly in Edmonton when we left. Faron told me that there are a lot of young teens living on the reserve near Rocky Mountain House who were getting into trouble, so Faron began to teach them about rodeo riding. A few of those teens were also riding in the rodeo.

It took about two hours to drive from Edmonton to a dirt road, in the middle of open fields and trees, trees, everywhere. We were in wild west country. A large field held rickety looking stands with a large fenced corral in the middle. There were trucks and cars around the stands. A small concession stand sent out smells of hot dogs, hamburgers and French fries. A beer tent with a fenced off area at the end of the stands was filled with men and women wearing cowboy hats, talking, smoking and drinking beer. They could still watch all the activities.

I settled myself in the stands while Faron headed over to where all the riders were. More fences near the grandstand held the announcers and penned bulls, horses and sheep. Small children between the ages of 3-5 years of age came out wearing hockey helmets riding large woolly sheep. The tot’s small fingers clutched the wool on the big sheep. A man ran beside each child as the child came out of the gate. As soon as the child began to slide off (because the sheep ran as soon as the pen released them), the man would grab the child and help him or her back to a safe area. Everyone was laughing.

There was barrel racing, women and then young girls hanging on to the horses and racing around barrels, attempting to clear the barrels without knocking them down. Meanwhile, in the stands, people are talking, laughing and eating. The sun came out for a short time and my layered clothing felt too hot. Once the clouds took over and the sun was only peaking through, it was cool.

I watched calf roping. Two riders came out racing after a large calf. One rider would rope the calf’s head, while the other rider attempted to rope the two back feet of the poor calf. The first competing pair was a husband and wife team. The wife missed roping the calf’s back feet and the announcer said that’s why couples don’t usually compete in this because the ride home is too long. Each successive pair either missed the back feet completely or only caught one. This was hard, I could see that.

Another calf event which seemed crazy as well was this: A rider bolted out of the gate chasing down a large calf. The rider threw himself from his horse at the right time and grabbed the calf’s head and attempted to flip the calf on his back in record time.

Bareback riding began. Each rider came out with a glove. The gloved hand gripped the reins while the other one found itself flailing in the air. The horses bucked and jumped to throw each rider. Eight seconds is a long time when the ride is rough. It was Faron’s turn. He gave his glove to one of the other riders and came out on his wild bucking horse. Faron was thrown and hit the ground motionless. The other cowboys came racing over. A medic ran over to the still body. A few minutes later, the crowd cleared, as Faron was lifted on to a stretcher, he raised his arms. The crowd cheered and Faron was carried away.

I made my way from the stands to where all the cowboys were milling around. The fenced in area kept me out, so I waited and watched the rest of the bucking horse rides. A woman, Flora came shooting out of the pen, hanging on with one hand. Flora was thrown and rolled in a summersault, then jumped to her feet. She was much older than I thought. I turned to someone standing near and said that Flora must be about 40 years of age. The woman looked at me and said, ”She’s closer to fifty. You know, her brothers were all riders too.”
I walked over to the office where all the trophies were displayed and asked about Faron. The women there all told me that Faron was an old rodeo rider and these riders were tough. These riders are the last of the daredevils. Who made up this game?
I watched some of the bull riders. Again they could only use one hand and needed to ride for eight seconds. The two guardians on horses would ride close to the bull, the bull rider grabbed onto a horseman and slide himself down on the other side of the horse. The bull rider had to put distance between him self and the bull. The bull often would go after the rider even after the rider had left his back. I saw a successful, young bull rider throw himself over the corral fence as the bull raced toward him.
These guys are really athletic. They make everything look smooth.

There were little chuck wagon races. Teams of small Shetland ponies pulled a wagon and driver round and round the corral. Then I spotted Faron, he looked sheepish. The teenagers that he mentored had won money and placed well. I met a bunch of riders. They all said that the horses had really been wild and difficult. Usually after the second buck (if you can stay on) the ride is easier. Faron admitted that the horse had seemed quite docile and he never talked to it which he always does. He said that it was the rankest horse he had ever ridden. Faron had done a rodeo a few weeks ago and won prize money. He has a few more rodeos to go and said he will never make the same mistake again of underestimating a horse.

I told Faron to call me with his new dates. Sunday, after Faron was knocked out, I went back to my car to check my ephemeris. I saw that Sunday was one of the worst dates for Faron for success. I did tell him after about it. If I had looked before he rode, I would not have told Faron not to go, his money had been paid, I would have urged caution.

We drove back to Edmonton with a full car and lots of rodeo talk from the other occupants. At the end of the day, my face was red, I guess I did get some sun.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Eat well to live well

Isn’t it about time that we eat food the way it was intended? We have been living in a testing ground for chemicals. The food in the grocery stores has been grown with chemicals and so much of the food that is boxed is full of chemicals. When picking up a box of cereal, cookies, crackers, even chips, look for the ingredient list.

If you can’t read the words without stumbling over them, don’t buy the food. Forget the sodium percentage or fat content, try to read what else is put in the food. Hydrogenated oils are trans fats and are not good for you, don’t but them. When I was doing food tasting, sometimes my instructions were to buy hydrogenated margarine and cook the food samples in said margarine. I would buy butter instead and cook the fish or whatever in butter.

One night, I was watching W5 and the story was about Basa fillets (fish). Basa seems to come primarily from Asia where the fish is farmed. Farmed fish are prone to parasites, so a heavy chemical called malachite green is used to keep the parasites under control. The problem is that we end up eating the chemical which stays in the fish. I called up the company I worked for and said that I would not serve that fish ever. Safeway was hosting the Tasting of Basa in a couple of days. Apparently someone from Safeway saw the W5 story and the Basa taste testing was cancelled. Basa fillets are still sold in all the grocery stores, nothing was ever really done to make the fish safe for consumers.

As long as the food manufacturers are making a lot of money, there is little concern or care for those consumers. In Europe, chemicals are taken out of the food because the European consumers know healthy food has no chemicals.

I read a really fascinating book called, ‘The Secret Life of Plants’. That book convinced me that plants have a special energy that can keep us in tip top shape providing the plants are not grown with chemicals. Nutrients and minerals are sadly lacking when the plants are grown using artificial fertilizers and chemicals.

Ever hear of Max Gerson? He grew up in Germany and noticed that farmers fields which used no chemicals had a lot of activity. The worms would move the soil around, turn the soil, so to speak. The farmers who used chemicals in their fields to induce growth, lacked worms; the worms would crawl out of those chemically infested fields! Max Gerson discovered that the soil lacked the nutrients needed to grow healthy food.
So Max became a doctor and he placed his sick patients on organically grown food. All his patients began to get better. He gained quite a reputation. Now Max was living in Germany during the 1920’s and 1930’s. Hitler caught wind of this fine doctor and began to follow Max’s suggestions. Hitler’s crew came on board and began to eat natural, organic food. However, I guess Hitler did not want the world to be healthy and Max’s family was rounded up and exterminated. Max escaped and ended up in the U.S.

Max continued his fine work in New York city, but came under scrutiny of the New York medical board. Many of his patients testified how disease--free they became upon following doctor’s orders. When Max attempted to open his own hospital, he was told that the only recognized treatment for cancer and other ills was radiation and chemotherapy. He was barred from opening his healthy alternative. So he opened one in Mexico.

Do you see how we have been blocked from being healthy? Drugs are so promoted and placed in our food. Thankfully there are alternative solutions. We must return to eat food that our grandparents grew. There are still many farms which grow chemically free food, but not organically certified. However, there are still a lot that believe the lies that the chemicals sprayed on the fields do not affect the consumer. Check out the farmers growing food with chemicals. How healthy are they? Many of them have gotten sick with all kinds of health problems. Hmmmm! These farmers are getting the freshest food available. They should really be the picture of health.

I have a cousin up in the Peace country (north of Edmonton) who raises organic Bison. He has a thousand acres and the Bison roam and eat. He grows his own winter grasses for his herd. My cousin told me that most of the farmers around him use lots of chemicals on their fields. He said there is a lot of hostility to the farmers (like him) who have pesticide free fields. Why would the chemical farmers resent anyone not using chemicals? I don’t get it.

How would you like to watch a great expose of the food industry, from cattle lots to processed food? Then go out and rent ‘Food Inc’. My granddaughter and I saw this movie/documentary last summer. Although she was only eight years old at the time, Holly has become very aware of what is healthy to eat and what is not.

By the way, if you do decide to eat organic, please don’t microwave your food. The microwave zaps about 98% of all nutrients, so you might feel full but you will still be hungry. Digestive enzymes so necessary are missing as well. The radiation used to heat you food will find its way to your pancreas, not a good thing. Have you noticed more people suffering from pancreatic cancer?

What I do a few times a week is juice. I used to juice with fruits and vegetables all the time. Now that I have gone organic, I have noticed a difference.
Organic fruits and vegetables fill me up. Regular fruits and vegetables (usually I use 5 or 6 different kinds) made better tasting juices than store bought juices. However, organic juices fill me up for a couple of hours. I never had that feeling of fullness prior to drinking organic.

I heard a doctor mention (on Oprah) that if food prices are going down, usually health care costs (medication etc.) go up. He said shouldn’t we pay more for food and less for health care. If we eat good, healthy food, we may not need all those expensive medications. When I worked in all those group homes, I talked to so many of the residents about their diets, past and present. I never ran across anyone who ate healthy who was sick!!

In the seventies, I attended The University of Guelph. Guelph has a veterinary college at the university. In the lone Genetics course I took, the professor discussed antibiotics in all the cattle feed. We had a tour of the animal facilities and further discussion revealed the feed also contained other animals. Cows are vegetarians, why would this happen? Part of the feed also contained growth hormones, to make the cows gain weight. Guess what happens when humans eat such tainted meat? They get the growth hormones in their systems.

Is it any wonder that there are serious weight issues in North America?

I was always getting asked about my ability to stay healthy and to look good. I was asked these questions by people around my age who were literally falling apart. The more chemicals they took into their system, the more health issues they had. It seems simple to me. Eat well to live well.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Arranged Marriages

A client of mine, Joanne was having trouble with her oldest son. Lewis was in a group home because he was very angry. He tried to get his way by using a knife to threaten Joanne. Lewis was only 10 years old and you would think subduing him would be easy. Joanne’s social worker was visiting and Lewis attempted to scare the social worker by jabbing the knife at the worker. Eventually, Lewis lost the knife ( not sure if he gave it up or what) and was returned to care.

The second time I visited Joanne, I asked her if she had been in love with Lewis’ father when Lewis was conceived. Joanne shook her head and then said no. She had never been in love with Hal, Lewis’ dad. That was the problem.

All the clients, I saw who had difficult children were asked if they had ever been in love with the fathers of the difficult children at the time of conception. I never received a yes.

In order to attract a positive soul, a couple need to be in love with each other at the time of conception. When the heart chakras are closed, any entity can step in. When the heart chakras are open, the love will attract a calmer being.

There was a case, years ago in Quebec where the mother and father were estranged. Mom was pregnant and wanted to terminate the pregnancy. She really disliked the father who was an ex-boyfriend. The dad had been abusive, physically and emotionally. Mom went to a psychic to decide whether terminating the pregnancy was a good idea or not. She was told the child would not only have physical problems, but mental problems as well. So Mom terminated the pregnancy before the court had decided one way or another. Dad was not happy, but there was nothing he could do.

I don’t know why some of the major religions of the world have allowed arranged marriages. As a practicing astrologer, I have cast many charts for extremely unhappy women who had been forced into arranged marriages. Many of the arranged marriages were put together by astrologers. The couples had absolutely nothing in common. The marriages must have been arranged because of the money, not the potential for a great love relationship.

A recent client came for her chart. She seemed sad. I asked for her husband’s birthday. When I saw the aspects, I said he had a bad temper with a negative attitude. My client said, ’I hate him. I don’t agree with arranged marriages.’

I asked if she would force her children into this. She said ‘no’ rather adamantly.

Raj was in love with a man in India, but her parents did not approve of him. So, she was forced to marry someone else. Her husband brought her to Canada and the abuse continued. Her parents, in India, thought that she should stay married. I asked if her parents had been happily married. No was the answer. Did they love her? I could tell by Raj’s chart that it was unlikely that Raj had ever been loved. Great, a generational thing with no love, that attracts negative people and negative relationships. Is the world a better place with such people? I don’t think so.

Anyway, Raj brought out a picture of her marriage day. There was beautiful Raj, in a ceremonial marriage sari looking so lost and sad. Standing next to her, was a beefy man with a slight sneer. He looked angry. I could feel his negative energy through the photo. I asked if her parents noticed anything wrong with him. She said they just wanted me married.

Raj then pulled out another photo of her face. Her left eye was black and blue and shut. The blackness went up to her eyebrow and down to the middle of her cheekbone. Although her right eye was open, there were lacerations all over her face.

Now there is an appearance in court and her ex-husband has sworn he never touched Raj. Raj has left him and said he has no heart. By the way, his parents had arranged marriages too.

Love is a necessary ingredient for marriage. Is it any wonder that there are so many angry people in the world? Where is the love? Certainly rare in arranged marriages. Getting pregnant with someone you don’t love who does not love you is flirting with disaster. How sad and very depressing!!!

I have only met one woman to date, who had an arranged marriage and is happy. She really liked her husband as a suitor and told her parents prior to the meetings that if she did not like the man, she would not marry him. She did marry him and they both seem crazy about each other. I love to see that.

I believe that India, for example is a Capricorn country. They believe in maintaining the status quo. Poor, neglected childhoods are common. Being bony, thin is normal. Capricorn is a very traditional, paternal sign. If their parents, grandparents and great grandparents did something a certain way, the way is continued, no matter how inhumane it is. Having money and power is thought to be the be all and end all. Capricorns will marry for money, status and power. I have heard that from many Capricorns.

If you want to have love in your children, it better be alive and well in you mate. Simple, really.

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Daughter and Angel Readings

My daughter calls quite often from Austrailia and we often have long discussions. The last three times she wanted an angel reading. Here they are.

April 5, 2010

Talked to C. today. She feels like she has changed. She wants to be the girl she was, not angry.
She had a dream of being at the club, but she wasn’t working. She felt very weak, passed out, so tired being there.
C. asked me to do an angel reading. Here it is.

We are here. Well, it seems obvious that C. feels the bar is taking the life out of her and that it’s time to move on before she passes out and can’t find her way or the strength to go. She feels she has returned to the land of the living and now is a good time for her to follow her heart.
She must be true to herself. How to do that when she does not know? The book you are reading will be a help. Love is all she needs to reconnect to herself and to the universe.

Thank you angels

• The book is called ‘Living in the Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek.

If we write down our dreams, wait for a few days and read them aloud, they can make sense.

April 9, 2010

C. called today, she was quite upset. She hates the bar. She likes other people there but not the owner. She said he was a pervert. She can’t find another job. She asked for an angel reading.

We are here, we are here, we are there… We have been trying to help C. but if it strikes her as what she does not want to hear, she ignores! What she wants and needs are not always the same. She must listen to how she feels. If she feels good, fine, if not, should she pretend it’s still fine?
There are other opportunities, but not where she is. She does feel this, but does not wish to look elsewhere. Who knows what could happen should she? We cannot tell her what to do but only encourage her to pay attention to her feelings. Sometimes that is the best, to begin young, to go there --- to do that!
Does this sound cryptic? It is not meant to be that way. But, the one truth she does know is, the place of work is not good for her. Money is not a good reason to stay, ever! This is important she is true to herself first.
She needs to be around those who wish the best for her by being the best for themselves. Any other association is unhealthy. We will continue to help when she asks, whether C. notices or not. We are here to support.

Feeling good about herself, is not as good as it could be. Having positive people around her is best. We love her. We love you C. Listen, listen. We are always around. We are hard to hear when you are worried. Yet, we shall stay. All ways.

Thank you angels

Finally, C. quit her job the next day.

April 19, 2010

Talked to C. last night. She doesn’t know what to do, is confused. She can’t find a job since she quit the bar. She said.’ I don’t know what I am supposed to do. I don’t want to be a failure. Dad’s going to think that. I can’t find a job.’
Then she asked for an angel reading. I thought that the angels always have a cool way of phrasing things, so I was happy to oblige.

We are here, that crazy, little, funny C! She is fun to watch but has a way of blocking what is right in front of her.
She knows how she feels, uneasy, unsure, sad, etc., but she does not want change, change of where she is and the fun she loves. So much is in her waiting to be released. She must believe that her best efforts in any area bring results --------- not always the results she wants but the best results.
Bets efforts in an area which is closing should not be seen as a failure but as an entry to another endless assortment for new possibilities. When one door closes, stop pounding and look for the new door (in your case, you see exit). Will you take it? Your choice!
Remember each closure means time to move on. Enjoy the excitement of the unknown and believe it to be great with new opportunities. Then, every new entry will seem less like an exit.
We love you C. We have been trying to help. You are so funny!. Sometimes the heart urges what you attempt to fight. Go with the flow when you done your best. Obstacles happen for a reason. It’s your choice to push them or go around. You have pushed. Is it working?
You are plucky, indeed. Love you, we do, dear C.

Thank you angels

Of course we had a long talk, but C. was much happier when she hung up.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Drugs : Illegal and Too legit To Quit

For a number of years I worked as a family support worker with five different agencies in Edmonton. Social workers would call the agency because someone was needed to help various families with different issues. The issues were parenting, addiction, abuse, education, health, budgets etc.

I saw many parents who had trouble coping with day to day life. Within the first couple of meetings, I would be told background histories on my clients. Every one had stories of abuse, lots of abuse. A question I always asked was, ‘Who loved you?’ As long as my client had a father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle or someone who really loved her/him, I knew my client had a fighting chance to deal with whatever and come out of the situation stronger and healthier than before.

Those who could not name one person who loved them took longer, if ever, to come out of their personal fog.

Street drugs took their toll. Heroin addicts and alcoholics aged really badly. I saw so many that were twenty years younger than me look twenty years older. It was sad and yet it seemed that somehow at a younger age, they could have been helped. The children brought up by addicts often disliked their parents, but again found themselves on the same path.

Then, I worked for a company (Excel) which ran and owned over thirty group homes and day programs. These were homes for adults over 18 years of age. The disorders were often multiple, brain damage (strokes, beatings, drunk driving, drugs), autism, schizophrenia, bipolar, Alzheimer’s, deaf (plus), depression, developmentally delayed (plus), diabetes, leukemia on and on. I think I only met one client in all those homes who was not on medication. Other clients did meet and mention to their Capital Health worker that they would like to get off the drugs. These souls were told in no uncertain terms that to get off drugs meant leaving the house.

Alternatives were never brought up. Pharmacies tried to stay with clients, but the one favoured by Excel forced many others out. What a cash cow!

At the beginning, each client had a photo taken which was placed in the medication book. This made it easier for new staff. In this way, the client could be recognized and the wrong meds would not be given. It made me feel sick to realize that many of these people would never get better and would end up taking more and more meds, usually stronger and stronger.

A client in one of these homes came in, very depressed. He stayed in his room for days and rarely left the house. Then somehow, he perked up, followed his interest in cars and got a part time job. He began staying over night at friends and family. Noah began missing his meds. Yet, he was still doing well. You see, when a client left for the day or night, he took the meds he needed with him. Noah did not always come back when he said, but he was doing great. A staff member, in charge of the house, was quite controlling and resented his coming and going. The fact that he was getting better did not seem to occur to her. Eventually, he did leave, much better than when he came. Noah wanted to get off all the meds and missing his allotted pills in such a gradual fashion seemed to be fine. Noah told me that he needed to feel like he was doing something. Anyone in a depressed state is usually blocking creative flow. Doing something, anything is a good start.

My point is clients on a lot of meds, such as taking pills morning, noon, suppertime and bedtime can really age clients. As I went from house to house, I would ask when the photos were taken. In two years, these clients looked as if they had been on the streets. In five years, whoa, they did not look good.

When I mentioned that legal drugs and street drugs age people pretty much the same way, I was met with dumb struck looks. This convinced me that no one wants these poor people to get better. I do have to say that most of the Excel staff were good, compassionate but no one seemed to think of any other alternative. What seemed obvious to me such as eating healthy not processed food, was not a big deal in some of the houses. The microwave which eliminates 98% of nutrients was in constant use. In one of the all male houses, the same clients would return hour after hour for another microwaved meal because they could not get full.

Combine bad food with microwave food and a barrage of medications, I can see why clients rarely left. They just died.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Skin (Cancer)

When I was a teenager, my best friend, Brandie liked to sunbathe. So I would walk down to the beginning of the street, change into my bikini at Brandie’s house, grab a big blanket, go into the large backyard where we would lie down and sun ourselves. Although, we had each other for company, doing nothing bored me. I became hot so quickly that I realized baking myself on the outside may bake me on the inside too. Since I was a fair skinned blonde, I could not take too much sun. After the second time, I told Brandie that I felt like a roast and could not bake in the sun any more.

I worked as a camp counsellor or a recreation leader in the summers and that was plenty of sun for me. By the end of the summer, my hair was bleached white and my nose and cheeks were sunburned red. I had great colouring once my peeling nose healed.

I still spent a lot of time hearing other friends saying, “you’re so pale. You should tan.”

In 1976, I attended the University of Guelph. One day in my only Genetics course, the teacher walked in and asked who did not tan. Only three of us in the whole class raised hands. The professor went on to tell us that we were the healthiest because our bodies warned us when we had too much sun. I was elated.

In 1989, I attended a seminar in Calgary. The guest speaker was a well-known Naturopath. He was a robust healthy looking man who gave a funny informative talk. Well, he was a Sagittarius, after all. He said that he never met anyone with skin cancer who had a healthy diet. Fascinating! I had met a few people who had gone through healing from skin cancer and all of them had a fast food diet.

Now, there is such a huge increase in skin cancer that not only people who eat fast food get this cancer but also those who don’t eat fast food regularly. Could it be that all the chemicals and additives that are put in our food have helped cause the increase?

If I go to the grocery store, I really have to check the ingredients list. Most people check for just fat or salt percentage, while I look for words I can’t pronounce.

I have decided that organic food is the safest for me and my family.

A lot of farmers are coming down with skin cancer and other cancers. When I have checked, these farmers regularly used pesticides or chemical fertilizers. I mean these guys are supposed to be eating the best. What’s wrong? It must be the chemicals. The firms that mass produce these chemicals have convinced farmers that chemicals sprayed on the food don’t affect the consumers. Ya right! If even the farmers are getting sick, what stops the rest of us from being affected? Nothing! Because we have been. The population has been getting sicker and sicker. We end up getting treated with more chemicals to clear up the toxins we have already ingested.

What is the answer? I would rather spend a little more on healthy food then spend time in the doctor’s office or hospital getting treated for God knows what.

Thank goodness there are still natural farmers out there growing healthy food.

Have you ever tried to melt margarine on the stove to make a sauce or to cook something in it? The strong smell of plastic assails the nostrils. Apparently, margarine is one molecule away from being plastic!!! Yum! Yum!

One more thing before I stop, has anyone ever read the list of ingredients on the new and stronger sun screens? There are very few words that a nine year old could read, never mind an adult. If I won’t put chemicals in my body, why would I put CHEMICALS ON MY SKIN SO THAT MY BODY CAN ABSORB THEM? Am I being silly? I don’t think so!

By the by, we need the sun, there is now a Vitamin D deficiency running rampant. Why is that? We have been told that the sun is harmful. It can be if we get too much sun. The sun is a great Vitamin D provider, so go for a walk, use moderation, but go out in the sun at least 15 minutes a day.

Okay, okay, this is the last comment. Last fall, 2009, I had a chance to see an ex sister-in-law of mine. She used to make comments about me being pale. I had not seen her for about thirty years. Susie did not look too bad, but she had all these freckles all over her face. I spent most of the evening trying to remember if she ever had freckles. When Susie brought out old pictures, it hit me how much she used to tan because I could not see a single freckle in any of those old photos. I realized when I left that she was full of age spots, not freckles. Am I glad I didn’t spend any more time turning myself like a roast in the sun. Whew! Close one!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I told my children if they could not read the ingredients, don’t buy the food. So we read everything, cereal, bread, crackers, margarine etc. So many chemicals are in everything we eat.

However, margarine was hailed as being healthier for the masses than real butter. Hydrogenated oils were in all those foods and more. Even the ‘heart’ margarine had hydrogenated oils. Do you know that you have to raise your body temperature to cremation mode to get rid of those oils in your body? There was finally a huge outcry against those oils, but a lot of companies called them trans fats, so that consumers would not look for hydrogenated oils in other foods.

The ‘heart’ margarine went into action getting rid of the oils, claiming still that their brand was good for your heart! Those oils block the arteries. How many people became sick or died believing the B.S. they were told? There are still plenty of chemicals in the margarines that my body and your body will not recognize. Butter is the most natural and thus, the easiest to digest.

If I am careful about what I eat, why would I not be careful about everything I put in my body, such as medications or vaccinations? The toxic chemical list which finds its way into our medicines is sinful. Mercury, which is highly toxic, would never be allowed in our children’s mouths, yet every vaccination in Canada (in the U.S. too) has mercury as an ingredient. Mercury or thimerosal causes learning disabilities, brain dysfunction and nerve damage among other things. If a thermometer breaks, the liquid mercury is so toxic that even touching it with your fingers will make you sick, sick, sick.

When my first three children were small, I was very conflicted about vaccinations. They only had a few and were sick after each one. The nurses will tell you to expect this. According to my logic, anything that is supposed to keep me well should not make me sick even one day. So I began to research the vaccinations.

Here’s what I found.

A group of families in Quebec sued the government for the illnesses and diseases their children got after being vaccinated.

From 1961, all polio victims were tracked and discovered that every one of them had received the vaccine.

In 2000, two researchers tried to find the cause of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). What they did find was that in every single case of SIDS, each child had received a vaccination within two weeks of dying. There was a large data base of 5000.
In 2000, families all across Canada were suing the government for the terrible problems their children had suffered. I only saw it once in the news and then it was hushed up.

Last year, I had several autistic children in my bus. The parents told me that after the last vaccination around the age of two, the children went from normal to autistic. Does this sound like Jenny McCarthy’s son?

A friend worked for a couple of doctors working in preventative medicine and the doctors refused to get their own children vaccinated. Why? All the patients the doctors saw were sick as a result of early vaccinations.

In 1998, the schools in Edmonton began to vaccinate for Hepatitis B, starting in grade 5. Since my daughter was in grade 5, I went to the library and did some research. I read through 152 medical trials. There were so many side effects that England stopped the vaccinations, France stopped the vaccinations and Belgium (made the vaccine) stopped the vaccinations due to hair loss, blindness and tumerous side effects.

I called the school and said I did not want my daughter getting the vaccination. The secretary at the school became quite angry, so I asked her if she knew what the side effects were. Of course, she did not. So I listed them for her. The school gets paid money for each student who gets the shot.

When H1N1 made its appearance, those on heavy medications were the first encouraged to get vaccinated. So a weak immune system was taxed with more poisons. The deaths I heard about were people who were already sick.

A pharmacist sent an e-mail telling people not to get the vaccination because of the mercury content. He listed all the possible problems including death. He said he could not believe that this vaccination was encouraged and he was pharmacist!

Who knows what is best for us? We do. If it doesn’t feel right, do the research. The government does not seem to want what is best for us. They have access to far more information but are not looking out for us at all. People get hushed up.

I went into Chapters during the Meningitis scare for information about the dangers of vaccination. There was not one book against, although one could be ordered for me. The shelves were loaded with pro-vaccine information. Hmmmmmmmmm!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Each sign rules a part of the body. That part of the body can be a strength or a weakness.

ARIES rules the head. Many Aries have scars on their heads, they are in such a rush because these guys don’t always look where they are going. Banging their heads is common.

TAURUS rules the throat. Taureans often have a thick strong neck, okay if you are a guy.
There is a susceptibility to throat problems, such as tonsillitis.

GEMINI rules the arms. This artistic sign often has problems with burns or broken arms, exactly what a Gemini does not need.

CANCER rules the breasts and stomach. This is the mother sign, there is an enjoyment of food and a talent for cooking. Cancer men are famous for staring at a woman’s breasts.

LEO rules the heart. This is the acting sign. During a period a few years ago when Saturn was in Leo, many Leos suffered from heart problems.

VIRGO rules the intestines. Because this is also the nit-picker sign, they can suffer from constipation.

LIBRA rules the kidneys and liver. Diseases such as hepatitis really affect Libras who don’t have the strongest constitution.

SCORPIO rules the reproductive system. Prostrate problems and difficult pregnancies can accompany this sign.

SAGITTARIUS rules the hips. Weight is put on here first and as Sagittarius get older watch out for hip replacements.

CAPRICORN rules the spine, teeth and knees. This is a thin sign.

AQUARIUS rules the calves. Varicose veins can be a problem and even bowed legs.

PISCES rules the feet. Stubbing toes and hurting the feet are common difficulties.

APRIL 2010-04-07

ARIES is the rebel of the zodiac, a pioneer to be exact. They will take crazy chances in life to get their adrenalin rush. Speed thrills them. James Woods and Russell Crowe are examples of this energy.

TAURUS is the farmer sign. They can grow anything with their ‘green thumbs’. These guys are famous for being laid back, nice when everyone else is acting crazy. George Clooney and Jack Nicholson are both Taurus.

GEMINI is the artistic sign. There is plenty of creativity to be tapped and a flair for languages. Gemini is the salesman of the world, a good talker. Meryl Streep and Johnny Depp are great examples.

CANCER is the mother sign and cooking sign. The Mafia don is considered to be Cancer. He likes to run the family. Lots of Cancer women are busty! Sylvester Stallone and Robin Williams are Cancers.

LEO is the actor. So many Leos are known for their dramatic flair or their never ending drama! They are famous for being the sign of the kings and for their generosity. Al Pacino and Leonardo Di Caprio are Leos.

VIRGO is the health sign. Lots of these people are in medicine and become more and more interested in being healthy as they get older. This is the vegetarian of the zodiac. Shania Twain and Sean Connery are Virgos.

LIBRA is the lawyer sign. Remember the scales? What they want is fairness and balance.
The underdog may be oppressed and Libra wants to help. John Lennon and Justin Timberlake are Libras.

SCORPIO is the spy sign. They can hang on to secrets forever, and they are good at discovering yours! But trying to find out about your Scorpio friend is hard work, they let you know what does not bother them to let out. Goldie Hawn is a great positive example of a Scorpio.

SAGITTARIUS is the sign of freedom and travelling. These guys hate to have their lives curtailed in any way and are often more tolerant because of travelling. This sign is famous for their sense of humour. Brad Pitt is reputed to be Sagittarius.

CAPRICORN is the sign of power. They will adhere to the rules and crave to be on top running things. Capricorn does not believe in breaking the rules except for someone like Dolly Parton who did. Also Jim Carrey and Patrick Dempsey are Capricorn.

AQUARIUS is the humanitarian sign and social work is one area of expertise. If breaking the rules means someone gets the help they need, the rules get broken. Oprah and Ellen Degeneres are examples of this humanitarian sign.

PISCES is the most psychic sign and is the dancing sign. Always giving another a second chance is part of a Piscean nature. Pisces are famous for their eyes like Elizabeth Taylor and Jackie Gleason (fish eyes).

Horoscope-April 2010

Doing a column like this is a hit and miss situation because the sun sign is only the tip of the iceberg. Every person has much more to him. The moon, the ascendant and other planetary positions really tell a story. This column is as important to Astrology as aspirin is to medicine. However, this is just a little guide for the next couple of weeks. So here goes.

Aries: Spend this time to check what is working in your relationships and what’s not. Be honest with yourself. What do you want to do? Or sometimes, what do you not want to do anymore?

Taurus: With a little more mental organization and writing your ideas down (finally!), things can gel, Do the research now and discover how creative you can be. Use music for encouragement.

Gemini: Each day will seem to bring some new idea. Write them down. In a few months, they won’t seem so nuts. This a time to improve your intuition by catching those thoughts flying through your head.

Cancer: It will a touch difficult through the next few weeks if you give in to your moods. On paper, get rid of all your negative thoughts that are holding you back. It’s the time to get in touch with your own feelings. (Don’t read what you have written afterward.)

Leo: You may feel as though you’re running on the spot because your energy level is rising. Be patient, don’t force any issue. Relax, plans your actions for May, when you will still have the energy. Timing is everything!

Virgo: Small details can become ridiculously important even though they are misunderstood. Don’t let this drive you looney. Laugh at the silliness and lack of importance they will ever have in your life.

Libra: Stop trying to straighten things out. During these next few weeks, hibernate!
Watch funny movies, or shows. Stay away from anything serious like the news. You need a break, this is a good time for it.

Scorpio: The ideas that come to you in the middle of a conversation are worth noting. Keep track of them for now. You’ll be surprised with how many ah hah! moments you have and how soon you can apply them.

Sagittarius: Freedom is important, but so is being in the moment. You will understand far more if you listen rather than make assumptions. So many slips of the lip to be enjoyed.
Do what you do best and laugh, it’s contagious and sorely needed.

Capricorn: Your wishes are coming, racing toward you. Stop obsessing with what could go wrong or you’ll have them racing toward you as well. Replace a negative thought with a happy one immediately. Your life is changing, do you want it to be good?

Aquarius: Pat attention to your dreams. Write them down and they will eventually make sense. You have a great opportunity to help yourself.

Pisces: Every day before you go to work, put on some music and dance. Your day will be much better. Dancing will free you up to have more confidence in you! Listen carefully to your first impression of the new people you meet. Life can become clearer.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


There are stubborn signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius
There are gabby signs: Gemini and Aquarius
There are music signs: Taurus and Libra
There are judgemental signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
There are psychic signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
There are funny signs: Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini

The sun sign is only the tip of the iceberg. Everyone behaves like their sun sign when they are comfortable, usually with friends and family. The rest of the iceberg aspects show up

Aries: This is a high energy sign, famous for having trouble sitting still. A little Aries will rebel if he has too many rules which restrict him/her. He can be funny and loves attention. Adventure is what he loves.

Taurus can be easy going but does not like to be told what to do. This sign is known for its strength. Soothing music, rather than rock can calm him down. These children can remember tunes easily and often have nice voices.

Gemini can talk a blue streak and skip from subject to subject. Encourage the artistic side to finish what he starts. Having five things on the go, means when she gets bored, she can go from project to project. He gets frustrated easily.

Cancer loves food, make sure the food is healthy and tasty and he’ll keep coming to the table. She has a great memory so encourage this. Moods cause him to retreat. There is a great ability to want to tinker and fix things. She can put on weight easily.

Leo has a flair for the dramatic and loves being the center of attention. This is the royalty sign, and sometimes it feels as though you have just been given an order. Leos should be encouraged to put their dramatic talents to positive use with acting or dancing.

Virgo wants to please and usually learn quickly. A sensitive stomach will act up when she feels under too much stress from school or overly strict guardians. Encourage laughing and not taking things too seriously. He will worry a lot and not tell you.

Libra wants fairness and gets very perturbed when plans do not work out exactly. She will stress out so easily. Any loud arguing in the family and the little Libra will disappear. Make sure his bedroom is not messy and since he is so full of creativity, let him go.

Scorpio can hear the grass grow and is often bent on revenge (when young), so work with her. She is very clever and usually shows a strong intuition. He will show an interest in the opposite sex at a young age. Be very truthful or he will learn to manipulate.

Sagittarius is usually funny and the world needs more laughter, so … This is the sign of freedom and she may show signs of wanting to travel. In fact, early restrictions encourage rebellion.

Capricorn can be serious and can be more mature than the other signs. This child needs more lightness or she will attract a difficult life. There is a need for approval and appreciation for following the rules. Encourage her to follow her heart.

Aquarius can be very talkative once he is comfortable. She is interested in friends who are all different from each other. This is a very curious child, not too interested in doing things if he is not in the mood.

Pisces can be shy but should be encouraged to dance. This child could have happy feet. There is an ability to feel the energy of his surroundings. Teach her to pay attention to this talent. There could be some writing talent.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Mercury Retrograde

When the planet Mercury appears to be going backwards, it affects earthly communication. Remember the winged god Mercury?
Television often loses cable now. Computers crash and people who get married, quickly find they can’t understand each other. Things get lost in the mail. Double check what you hear. It may not be what you thought. Try not to sign any legal documents if possible. Do not start any new projects because there will be endless delays. Even newscasters stumble with their words.

These periods occur about four times a year and there is one coming.
April 18 – May 11

Watch the fun as a storm begins around the 12th of April and mix-ups start.
Any plans made during this time can have unusual consequences. A couple I know, discovered the wrong time was printed on their flight plans and they had to re-book because they missed their plane. Another family flew all the way to Montreal only to discover that the travel agency had folded and the overseas trip was not honoured.
Double check any and everything and laugh when things do not exactly work out. Lots of couples argue and break up now. Whatever decision you make will be undone if you make it during Mercury retrograde.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Every school day, I drive through neighbourhoods which house huge paired electrical towers. Those towers stride through subdivision after subdivision. Some thoughtful company paved a strolling path between these towers so that nearby residents can take walks with their children and pets. Are they insane?

When I was a young teenager in Quebec, a new subdivision was put in near my high school with underground electrical power. Everyone, even the kids at school talked about how much better it would be and how much safer it would be. If, even as kids we knew so many moons ago, about the dangers of the towers, why are they still being put up? Surely the power companies and governments must know! Why build near those towers?

Recently, a community in Edmonton protested those towers being built near them. Did the government listen? Of course not! Did the electrical company listen? Never!

When I moved to Toronto in the sixties, I had a friend who lived in a new subdivision, Bridlewood, which had towers striding through the middle of her subdivision. We could see the fields with the towers through her living room window. Years later, Bridlewood was assessed with having the highest rate of leukemia in Canada.

So I decided to ask the Angels for their impression.

We are here, ready and interested. Yes indeed, those towers cause a disturbance in the auric field which in turn creates problems with the physical body. To be exposed as all humans are to house electricity, does cause a block in the intuitive processes; not to mention radiation which is emitted from televisions and computers. It would do some good for the ‘civilized’ world to have power outages for extended periods of time.

However, living close to those lines of towers and strolling on the man-made paths will take its toll, causing many auric disturbances eventually manifesting in physical illnesses. There have been many homes across North America built near towers. The power companies and governments are aware of the negative effects.. The bottom line (for them) is money. Those with money get more if they want more. The towers are never built near the homes of the rich and well connected, only for those unknowing and trusting. There is plenty of evidence as to why the towers should not be built close to growing families. So much needs to change. The public needs to know that corporations and governments do not usually have the interests of the little guy.

Do not live near, but especially do not allow your children to be near the power towers. Children are hit harder and faster. Do not allow the government with its connections to do what is unhealthy for you.

We do love you and encourage you to follow your heart. If something feels wrong, check it out. It probably is wrong.

Thank you angels

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Being Gay, Angelic Take

We are here and happy to discuss what we notice and observe.
Human beings have separated themselves into them and us: male, female, black, white, this religion versus that religion, this country versus that country, married versus unmarried etc. With all that separation comes judgements, rules, and restrictions on and on.

The bottom line is really love. Who loves another and the love is returned equally, is lucky, lucky, lucky!!!!

It matters little what race, religion, culture or sex, love is love. Where love is, compassion, thoughtfulness, consideration and acceptance abound. When in love, souls are tender, nicer and more compassionate with others. Everyone wins!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where love is outlawed is surely a soul test. For each soul will come with its own challenges and rewards. The biggest challenge is acceptance. The biggest reward is love.

Love is all that should count. When love is missing, violence, harshness and cruelty can slide right in. Is not the world better off if more are allowed to love who the heart is attracted to? Everyone will benefit.

Some souls choose to go the gay route and often it is not so gay. Families, friends and strangers present judgements and thus obstacles, even though it is NOT their life to judge, yet they do! Dissatisfied with their own, it appears.

Happiness does not exclusively belong to so-called heterosexual couples and yet these ‘straight’ people have decided it does. Quite ridiculous, yet fairly common on this earth.

All beings have a spirit with a heart and soul. Feelings come with every soul. What person feels it is his right to decide what is best for another soul, based on colour, religion or sex? ---- An unhappy one!

For those struggling to be accepted, accept yourself first. Then the world will open to others to accept you. Be open, generous and err on the compassionate side. All of you deserve to live and be loved, all--- every man, woman and child, equally.

Do not attempt to block or hurt another because of intolerance. Be an example of love, only love can make great positive changes. Acceptance is key. Get rid of judgements. Pay attention to intuition and be free with love.
We understand how difficult this can be, but it is essential for spiritual growth and happiness, right here, right now. We love you for never giving up. That is bravery!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judgements, tension, anger, guilt and shame all go back into the body and can result in physical problems such as cancer. What you give out does come back. Love has a great return.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Alrighty then! What is the big hullabaloo about reincarnation? It happens. We have lived before. Buddhism, one of the most compassionate religions and hence a wise one, accepts reincarnation as a fact of life. When I became aware of past lives, it made such sense to me. Where do little geniuses come from? A so called innocent with no prior knowledge all of a sudden can play an instrument at a very young age. Where did that come from? Why are some of us born poor, rich, malnourished, homeless, athletic, smart, dumb, healthy, crippled, male, female, developmentally delayed, a genius, brown, black, white red or yellow? Does only one life make sense? I mean really, now!

I began to see past lives superimposed onto strangers when I was attending the University of Calgary in the eighties. I was getting a degree in Education and was meeting a lot of people daily. My friends and I discussed Astrology, reincarnation, psychic experiences and anything else that was interesting. My friends began to become more psychic and I began to see past lives with every person I was introduced to. Because I was not shy about stating my impressions or intuitive thoughts, I would tell the person I had just met. In fact, my friends began saying, “Maggie! What did you see?”

The very interesting thing was that habits and interests that attracted this stranger showed themselves in the past lives that I picked up! For example, one woman I saw had been a dancer in a harem in one life and stoned in another for speaking up against injustice. Now these are only two that I saw, but these two had affected her life. She brought fears and talents into this life as a result of those two. When I did her chart, many more lives showed themselves, but those two were strongly exhibited to me. In this life, Kari was very afraid of giving her opinion. She kept quiet. She also showed dancing talent when she was very young and her parents put her in dancing lessons as a child which she still participated in.
Check out your children, they often show strong fascination with unusual subjects. My oldest child could draw very well and constantly drew military operations, especially with knights, shields and planes. I picked out 17 names as possibilities when I was pregnant with him. I left the list at home when I went to the hospital. After he was born, I asked my husband to find the list so we could try the names on for size. However, one name had haunted me from the beginning and when Bruce (my husband) could not find my list, we chose the one that had stayed in my head. So my son Lance is now in England. His hobby is sword-fighting at castles throughout the summer. He is in a re-enactment group. He looks like a knight and acts like one.

My whole point is to tell you about some of the past lives that I have seen with my special needs children and adults I have met and worked with. Okay, I worked in a day program with adults who displayed many different kinds of disabilities, physical, mental and emotional. Sometimes all disabilities showed and sometimes not. Some were autistic, verbal and non-verbal, brain-damaged, deaf and mentally challenged and /or physically, some were in wheelchairs, although most could walk. There were adults with brain damage from accidents or born like that, schizophrenics with other problems as well, and some Down syndrome adults. Anyway, walking into a room full of these different souls was fun. I would begin to see past lives with the noisy clients.

When a being decides to come back into a special needs body, whether it happens at birth or later, there are reasons. Much can be gained from inhabiting one of these bodies, especially spiritually. Those who volunteer to be in bodies which do not respond well are there because they want to make a difference and spread compassion. Hence those souls are usually positive and kind. The ones who fight their existence in this life can be very difficult to interact with. They were likely ‘encouraged’ to enter their maimed body to learn what was needed to learned, but are not happy. However, music makes them all happy. Have you ever been in a room with 500 ‘disabled adults with great, dancing rock music? The dance floor fills up quickly with gyrating bodies and not one soul cares who is watching. They all dance their hearts out. It’s a great sight!!

This was my first day in the downstairs day program. The building was two floors and today I would be downstairs with a lot of non-verbal adults. They needed greater supervision and the ratio of staff to clients was often one to one or one to two. Upstairs, the staff ratio could be one staff to three or four clients.

When I first walked in, there were two rooms with about twenty clients. Then I saw Kay, who was dressed in green. With her black, shiny short hair and dark eyes, she looked quite pretty and then Kay had a fit! A low growling started in her throat and she began biting her left arm, sinking her teeth over and over until a staff stopped her. Kay was angry and tried to fight the staff to get back to biting her arm. A past life as a woman in a rich and influential family showed. She was beautiful, spoiled, heartless and cruel. Those who tended to her every whim were subjected to harsh punishment for any perceived transgression. Little Kay had people beaten, tortured and killed. She listened to one but her own selfish urges. Now Kay could hurt no one but herself. Kay had been institutionalized at a young age. Her mother could not handle her and left the province to live in the U.S.

Then there was Garrett who lived in a wheel chair. He could not say words, just sounds, except for ‘Hi there’. He had all kinds of problems including cerebral palsy. Garrett’s forehead was also slightly elongated. The first time I had Garrett for the day, I was told, he was quite happy but laughed at nothing a lot. Garrett was about 21 and could not even feed himself but what a great kid!! I looked where he looked and watched his reactions to people carefully. Friendly staff and kids got’Hi there’, others got nothing. He laughed at funny interactions between others, not at nothing. Garrett was a loveable sweet young man. His presence brightened my day. The last time I saw him, I took Garrett for a ride and I parked the wheelchair to talk to him while we watched the planes come into the airport (which was close). Garrett began to cry and I knew he was going to die soon, so I told him what a wonderful soul he was. He responded by watching me and I knew he knew he would not be here much longer. Garrett had agreed to be put into this body, this prison of his. He had a few past lives as a soldier that I could see. Garrett did die a few months later, although I never did see him again.

There was also a young man, the same age as Garrett with the same problems and non-verbal too. Reese was nice looking but moody and unhappy most of the time. I never worked with him but I saw a rich pampered life before this life. He shunned those who were not perfect and his personal judgements on those who were not up to his status, were cutting and intolerant. What a difference!!!

A fourteen year old teenager on my bus was from India in another life. I saw him wearing white, his clothes, his turban, even his surroundings were white. Everyone listened to his every word whether he was foolish or not. He had position and money. Now he is on a special needs bus and has trouble relating to his peers. This boy, Ryan , wants a lot of attention. When he sings, he wants people to tell him what a great singer he is. He will sing even though the person next to him tries to ignore him or the kids on the bus tell him to stop. Often he will say mean things to others in a whisper, which I have addressed. Having a life where everyone hangs on to your every word is unrealistic and now Ryan still wants to be important. I told him that since he was born with three sisters, he must study them if he wants to figure out women. He likes girls but can be rude and mean with his comments. His reaction is ‘What? What?’ when I call him on his comments.

Another fourteen year old is very aggressive if called on his behaviour. I saw him in France where he had been a thug. He stole, lied and fought for a living, killing a few people along the way. Now he is probably FAS. Mason lies at the drop of a hat, his Dad even asked me about something Mason had lied about and I could see his Dad’s frustration. Mason is better, but he is the only one who was verbally aggressive with me, yes, swearing to show his contempt when I called him on his actions.

I heard a rumour that many of the top military people in Israel are re-born ex-nazis. It certainly makes sense. Whatever you hate, you become. The Nazis were known for their obsession with the Jews. No wonder, Israel lacks the compassion they once had.

Hate no one because all you are doing is hating yourself.

What about being gay? Does it not seem obvious that some men have been women before? Please!!! All you have to do is watch “Queer Eye for The Straight Guy’. Alternately, it seems obvious that some women have been men. We all change sexes if we have something to learn and something to gain. Appreciate everyone, for whoever you hate you will return to experience what you handed out. Gay marriage, why not? Love is love and that’s all that counts.
Why are we so judgemental with anyone who seems different or unusual? We must appreciate what is unique about each of us.

We really get away with nothing, so I would rather do good stuff. That feels better when it returns. Be happy being you or you will never like anyone else. Negative, miserable people are energy drainers and end up alone. Misery loves company, but no one likes miserable company. I prefer the company of positive, cheerful, funny people. How about you?

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Cardinal T-Square of 2010: Saturn, Uranus, Pluto « 2010 International Astrology Day Blog Carnival

The Cardinal T-Square of 2010: Saturn, Uranus, Pluto « 2010 International Astrology Day Blog Carnival

International Astrology Day Blogathon

International Astrology Day Blogathon – March 19-21-2010 Internet Event

The much anticipated cardinal T-square of Pluto, Saturn, and Uranus is an event which has many of us puzzled and worried. With these cardinal energies, we can expect times of fast-forward movement, more shocks and changes, and a lot more hard work.

What these energies also promise is the opportunity for personal and collective transformation, exciting creative breakthroughs, inspired action and promising fresh starts.

Our ability to keep up with the pace of change will depend upon our readiness to set clear boundaries, plan for the unexpected, hold things in perspective, apply the wisdom of our experience and keep our minds and bodies in balance while all around us is in flux.

You might be wondering where you can find out more and how all this will affect you!

The 1st International Astrology Day Blog-A-Thon brings together a collection of helpful, insightful and informative articles on handling the challenges of Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and the cardinal t-square. All in all, over 50 talented astrology writers present a collection of articles designed to help you to learn more about these challenging planetary energies and discover some helpful healing tools and coping mechanisms. Here are descriptions of the article collections and links to take you to them.

Are you wondering where you can find out more and how all this will affect you?
The 1st International Astrology Day Blog-A-Thon brings together a collection of helpful, insightful and informative articles on handling the challenges of Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and the cardinal t-square. Over 50 talented astrology writers present a collection of articles designed to help you to learn more about these challenging planetary energies and discover some helpful healing tools and coping mechanisms. Here are descriptions of the article collections and links to take you to them.

Online starting Friday, March 19, 2010: Pluto Problems Got You Perplexed? Here’s What Helps! Pluto in Sagittarius was an era of speculation and easy credit, and we expanded far past what was wise. Pluto in Capricorn is a time of facing reality, getting grounded, paying the bills, and being accountable. Coordinated by Donna Cunningham, the 15 articles in the Pluto collection help you understand a variety of Pluto-related difficulties and suggest resources and healing tools to sort them out. They include the debt trap, sleep disorders, bullying, fertility issues, erectile dysfunction, grief, patterns we carry over from previous generations of our families, grief, healing from abuse, and a variety of other persistent problems.

Online starting Saturday, March 20, 2010: Look After Saturn and Saturn Will Look After You: Transiting Saturn’s oppositions to Uranus were accompanied by sudden change and shocks to upset the status quo, resulting in economic crisis. As ripples reached our personal lives, our ability to remain flexible in the face of disruptive change is being tested by Saturn in Libra’s square to Pluto in Capricorn and the upcoming entry of Uranus into Aries. Coordinated by Mandi Lockley, the 17 articles in the Saturn collection will help you work with a variety of Saturnian issues. Experienced astrologers invite you to view Saturn not as a planet to be feared, but as a necessary, helpful teacher whose lessons can help you through life’s challenges. Others provide useful resources, down to earth advice, and inspirational coping and healing tools.

Online starting Sunday, March 21, 2010: Uranus in Aries: Claiming a Self-Reliant Future ~ Unpredictable Uranus is ending his sojourn in Pisces and will soon enter irascible Aries. Following a period of reluctantly dealing with the real world, Uranus steps up to proclaim personal freedom. This is not the freedom bell that Uranus usually rings for everyone, but the unabashed self-proclamation of "My Rights, Every Day!" Coordinated by C.J. Wright, the 17 articles and additional media presentations in the Uranus collection are as erratic as Uranus himself. You will discover some of the disruptive changes Uranus loves to spring on us and receive suggestions on how to work with rather than against yourself as you evolve and grow.

Two more article collections:

Online Saturday, March 20th, Passing the Tests and Trials of Saturn to Build Better Relationships: As the planet of obstacles and inadequacy moves through Libra, all types of partnerships are challenged. Is there an equitable give-and-take in your marriage? Are you having trouble manifesting a satisfying relationship? The articles featured on Sasstrology will do more than offer insight into the meaning of this transit. The experienced astrologers featured here will help you to create solid partnerships that can survive the ups and downs that occur when two souls attempt to create one union.

Online Friday, March 19, Vibration Magazine Presents: A Collection of Articles about Combining Essences and Astrology. Not to be confused with aromatherapy, flower essences are a superb, natural, and inexpensive healing tool that can catalyze personal growth and smooth out the rough edges of times like these. The combination of astrology and flower essences is outstanding in helping people understand and address difficulties that arise during difficult transits. Coordinated by Donna Cunningham, this collection of 17 articles by astrologers who are also flower essence practitioners will suggest ways astrology and essences can enhance one another.

Multi-Media Heaven
Special Events Created for the Blogathon!
Online Gallery of Cosmic Art

Visionary artist and astrology blogger, Jude Cowell presents a series of luminous images of heavenly phenomena. Take time out to rest your mind and feast your eyes on her exquisite slide shows and special galleries at Astrology Day Blogathon 2010: A Cosmic Art Gallery.

Voices from Astrology’s Past—Sound Bytes at the Astrologers’ Memorial
This vast collection of pages about astrology’s great contributors ably maintained by Liz Houle contains tributes and photos of colleagues we’ve loved and lost. Take a walk down memory lane, starting at this page of sound bites from archived tapes.
Forum for Readers’ Experiences and Comments

Forum for Readers’ Experiences and Comments: Jan Tud (astrogrrl) of Astro Creeps and Tarot Freaks will be hosting a forum for readers’ comments about their experiences with these transits and about the articles. You can register and then join the astrology forum discussions.

DISCLAIMER: The International Astrology Day Blogathon articles collections are for educational purposes only. Inclusion in the Blogathon Collections does not mean to imply recommendation or certification of any of the authors or their companies. We ask website visitors to make their own judgments about the quality of services or products described. Articles are not meant to be advice, and the information is not meant to replace medical or psychological treatment. Opinions expressed by authors and readers do not necessarily reflect those of the blogathon coordinators.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


We are here and happy to talk to you. Ah yes, those special souls in those special bodies, bodies which do not always work for them but nonetheless work for what the soul’s purpose is. Not all special needs children are as special as you think. There are varying degrees of soul evolution in the bodies.

However, when a soul has agreed from an almost voluntary position, much can be gained. LOVE and COMPASSION are the two biggies to be gained by all who come into contact with these ‘normal’ souls.

Has not Rigil ( my son) changed the minds and opinions of many who had preconceived notions? He does keep on his path no matter what judgements or opinions he is around, a good thing really.
Anyone who is operating on a less than human ability, in terms of intellectual or physical capacity can often be seen readily. There are personalities to go along with the different disabilities. Of course, anyone who can constantly teach you about love without judgement or prejudice is considered a mentor or wise person. Funny how that respect disappears when the mentor appears to be disabled or developmentally delayed!!!!!!!!!!
But these souls can often be exactly that----------MENTORS!!

Mentors in perfectly fine bodies are fine but who is to say that they are mot emotionally disabled or emotionally retarded?? There have been many wise but twisted, so called mentors or leaders. Listen to the words not the package. Non-judgement is huge foe a real mentor. Love, universal love and compassion are signs of a good soul.

Harshness and cruelty abound with so called ‘normal’ souls, who are emotionally delayed or retarded. These are the real backward people.
Some entities put themselves into harsh physical disabilities due to a lack of compassion in a few lives to experience imperfection and to have less control over others. Some entities go willingly to teach and be a positive example. Everyone gains.
So see the good in everyone you meet. The obvious flaws in another will always be seen, but the good can be missed. Look for what is terrific, kind, funny and compassionate in another.
Be another Rigil. He cares little for the opinions of others and sees who is kind, good and funny. He loves funny. When he laughs, everyone laughs. He is a role model for a positive attitude towards others.
So you see you can’t always tell when someone is really crippled. Look for the good. That will tell you.

Thank you angels

Monday, March 8, 2010


Well, these words are loaded. When I hear retard, I think of late in French because I grew up in Quebec. Children or adults who have been labelled with one of the above are often viewed with apprehension, fear or pity. Now the label is developmentally delayed. These souls are here to teach us to be in the moment and to be truthful with our feelings.

I was listening to the Black Eyed Peas singing ‘Let’s Get Retarded ’. This song is only titled so on their album. It was retitled for air play to ‘Let’s Get Started.’ Many of the moral majority complained about the word retarded. Have you ever seen the developmentally delayed dance? I have. These ‘slow’ souls don’t care who is watching. If they want to dance, they just do. I haven’t seen a whole lot of rhythm but I have a seen a whole lot of joy. Who among us feel free enough to dance without worrying what anyone thinks? These special souls are here to teach us that it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks if we want to dance or sing or whatever.
Back to the song, it is just trying to tell you to dance and get rid of your worries. Dance as if no one is watching. Live your life, feel free, be free, just be you.

My youngest son has Downs Syndrome. He loves to dance and has great rhythm. It must be in the genes because all my children can dance well. Maybe it was because I put music on when they were young and we would all dance.

Anyway, my young 18 year old son wanted to go to a dance at his high school. The students in the special needs program don’t go to the regular school dances, they need permission and a parent to attend the regular dances. So my son obtained permission and my daughter and I went to the dance. It was called ‘A Touch of Class.’ Rigil (my boy) wanted to dress up, so his Dad lent him a suit jacket and bought him a dress shirt. Rigil met two other special needs students, two girls, there. We all walked into the gym where the music was playing. There were about seventy students dancing, at least sixty five of them were girls. All the boys were sitting in the stands or playing Frisbee or generally joking with each other while the girls danced.

My son and his two friends headed to the middle of the dance floor. Rigil danced for at least half an hour before coming to where my daughter and I were sitting. We gave him water and back he went to dance. This went on for two hours. Meanwhile I walked around and talked to other teenagers encouraging them not to be afraid and join the dance. Some of them gravitated to the dance floor but seemed to want a special invitation from the girls already dancing. Rigil does not care what anyone thinks, he just does what he wants to. I love him for that. He is certainly fearless in that. Who really was backwards in this situation? My son paid his money and danced while 99% of the boys could not get up the nerve to dance.
Rigil is all about love. He is friendly to people but I notice that the people he will talk to are friendly to him. He has very good instincts. He can tell when someone needs a hug or a kind word and never hangs on to bad feelings or negativity. Rigil is here to remind me to be the best. He is very intuitive and seems to know things before they happen.

One time, an ex-daughter in-law was coming by to pick up a granddaughter. Rigil was downstairs watching a Jim Carrey movie. He loves Jim Carrey and loves laughing. Meanwhile, upstairs Rigil’s Dad was going on about his negative view of my ex-daughter-in-law. The doorbell rang, Rigil ran upstairs and watched from the hall while I answered the door. I opened the door, Cindy smiled and came in the front hall. Rigil said hello and then ‘I love you Cindy.’ Cindy said ‘why thank you Rigil for that awesome greeting.’
Rigil nodded and retreated back downstairs. My granddaughter left with her aunt and I walked into the kitchen. I looked at my ex-husband and asked him, ’Did you get that?’
He looked ashamed. Rigil reminds us that everyone deserves love and kindness. He is in my family for that reason, I believe. I am one lucky mother. We should all be retarded, maybe we would really be ourselves. Maybe we would be more joyful, more thankful and less judgemental. I do know that is all true.
The Black-Eyed Peas have it right. Let’s Get Retarded is a great song and my boy loves that song. That’s good enough for me.