Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Being Gay, Angelic Take

We are here and happy to discuss what we notice and observe.
Human beings have separated themselves into them and us: male, female, black, white, this religion versus that religion, this country versus that country, married versus unmarried etc. With all that separation comes judgements, rules, and restrictions on and on.

The bottom line is really love. Who loves another and the love is returned equally, is lucky, lucky, lucky!!!!

It matters little what race, religion, culture or sex, love is love. Where love is, compassion, thoughtfulness, consideration and acceptance abound. When in love, souls are tender, nicer and more compassionate with others. Everyone wins!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where love is outlawed is surely a soul test. For each soul will come with its own challenges and rewards. The biggest challenge is acceptance. The biggest reward is love.

Love is all that should count. When love is missing, violence, harshness and cruelty can slide right in. Is not the world better off if more are allowed to love who the heart is attracted to? Everyone will benefit.

Some souls choose to go the gay route and often it is not so gay. Families, friends and strangers present judgements and thus obstacles, even though it is NOT their life to judge, yet they do! Dissatisfied with their own, it appears.

Happiness does not exclusively belong to so-called heterosexual couples and yet these ‘straight’ people have decided it does. Quite ridiculous, yet fairly common on this earth.

All beings have a spirit with a heart and soul. Feelings come with every soul. What person feels it is his right to decide what is best for another soul, based on colour, religion or sex? ---- An unhappy one!

For those struggling to be accepted, accept yourself first. Then the world will open to others to accept you. Be open, generous and err on the compassionate side. All of you deserve to live and be loved, all--- every man, woman and child, equally.

Do not attempt to block or hurt another because of intolerance. Be an example of love, only love can make great positive changes. Acceptance is key. Get rid of judgements. Pay attention to intuition and be free with love.
We understand how difficult this can be, but it is essential for spiritual growth and happiness, right here, right now. We love you for never giving up. That is bravery!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judgements, tension, anger, guilt and shame all go back into the body and can result in physical problems such as cancer. What you give out does come back. Love has a great return.