Wednesday, December 30, 2009

LAUGHTER via the angels

Laughter lightens the heart, soothes the soul and frees the spirit.
Lots of laughter encourages more spontaneity than normal.
A tense situation can be easily changed with laughter and humour,
Is this a hard row to hoe or a delightful opportunity?

Start to see what is funny. daily, hourly or minute by minute. The world is funny. People are funny. Everyone is eccentric. Every person you meet has a story. But those souls with heavy energy and have a serious outlook don’t really live life. Life is NOT such a serious business. It is meant to be enjoyed minute by minute. But you must first be in this moment, be aware-----be in the now! Serious situations will appear less serious and funny.
Smiles on the faces of people and laughter from children have the ability to touch your heart. An open heart is a healthy heart. Look for what is funny, sweet etc., run over your day and notice funny. Try to notice at the time.
SMILE and the world will smile with you. LAUGH and you will have company.
Avoid the serious heavy police dramas, high body count action flicks and horror shows is possible. The state those movies or shows cause is a serious state, a fearful state. Serious and fearful people are much easier to control.
So laugh a lot and often.


Read The Celestine Prophecy to learn about how our energies and auras are affected by the words other people say to us. That book made me have epiphanies. There was a freedom in reading the words written by James Redfield. The story is about the author getting a mysterious phone call and a clandestine meeting about an old manuscript. The situations, problems and adventure which follows clearly show that nothing is an accident.


Conversations With God, Book 1 is a great read and God has a huge sense of humour. I gave Book 1 to my son who had returned to school and had just broken up with his girlfriend. He couldn’t put it down and raced to my house to borrow Book 11 which I have not had back. I’ll let him keep it. That too is a great book.
The author Neale Donald Walsch began by getting up at 3:00am (healing hour) because he could not sleep. He began writing all his complaints to God on yellow legal paper. His relationship had just broken up, he lost his job and figured God was to blame. When he tried to put the pen down, his fingers gripped the pen and wrote more words on the paper.
The words on the paper were something like ‘I’m here what else do you want to say?’
Neale freaked but the conversation had begun. This book will allow you to feel free or not.
This is a life changing book.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


As a child, 80% of your dreams are from the past (past lives) and 20% represent the future. As an adult, the opposite is true, 80% are future and 20% are past. Children often have bad dreams and when there has been no trauma or violence either from their lives or television, parents often wonder why. Past lives which are much fresher for them, can stir things up.
I had a reoccurring dream from the time I was very young until about the age of 12. It was night time, dark, no moon and I could hear low rumbling sounds which scared me. I stepped outdoors, in the shadows of my house and I could see tank after tank coming down the street. I knew I had to hide because if those guns saw movement, I would be a target. Panic grabbed me by the throat as I ran into the back alley attempting to blend in with the trees. My dream always ended with me attempting to hide and feeling completely scared. Now, I feel that I must have lived in Europe during World War II and died there as well. Everyone has had some dream over and over again. Take a look at it. Is it ongoing or has it stopped? Start writing and begin tracking your dreams. Wait for a few weeks before re-reading them. Pay attention to what impressions you are getting. It can be a lot of fun.
Now here’s an ANGEL take on dreams:

“Some dreams are real and come true the way they appear. However, most dreams are full of symbols. It’s your heart and mind ‘s way of letting you see what worries or needs to be concerning you without causing an anxiety attack or panic.
In every day, as you are dreaming, you in the dream state understand far more than when you are ‘awake’. The feeling of the dream was important. If you remember nothing else, remember the feeling.
The ability to fly, to lift heavy objects, defeat foes or do anything, is your invitation that YOU can do anything!!!!!
The dream state allows you to feel powerful or not! The power is there. The ability to deal with anyone or anything is there!
In the waking state, your inability to believe in yourself comes crashing down. The dream state is to show you your capabilities, among other things.
In the dream state, as your spirit leaves your body, you can connect with anyone, even us Of course that is why relatives and friends who have left this earth often enter your dreams. Much of what you see includes angels, definitely spirit bodies. You can see far more with your spirit eyes than your physical eyes.
However, you don’t always remember much when you awaken. A fast way of connecting to your spirit state is to take out the trash. Once a day, preferably upon rising, write down all the thoughts going through your head. Close the book and don’t read it again. Your choice to write 1, 2, or 3 pages daily or alternate.. In a few weeks, more kindness will begin flowing through. Your dreams and wishes will begin to show up on your morning pages. The can’ts, won’ts and don’ts will disappear. Your essence becomes clearer and very positive. This is any easy exercise.

Earth souls have much more power than allowed to believe. You have been limited as to how much you believe you can make a difference. You can make a difference in your life by believing in your self and this will be passed on to others.`
Do you want your good dreams to come true and the bad ones to disappear? Take note, write down what you remember (from your dreams). Take out the negative energy so the real you and your path can shine through. So many people wake daily in a foul mood, infecting everyone they meet. Infection spreads quickly, this does indeed affect the energy we all share, the universal collective energy. A kind word, a smile, a little humour or a laugh can all change your day for the good. In turn, you can change and improve the day of another.
When you believe in yourself, you believe in another and another. You need to believe in each other to change the world to a more compassionate state it is destined to be. Ask for our help and we will gladly help you.”

The book, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron is one terrific book if you would like to increase your ability to find your talents and dreams.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Erectile Dysfunction: what Astrology, Yoga, and the Chakras teach Us

Erectile Dysfunction: what Astrology, Yoga, and the Chakras teach Us
©2010 by Maggie Yanor, (

When Pluto—the planet of sex and secrets—was in Sagittarius—the sign of straightforward talk—erectile dysfunction began to get a buzz in the press. We’ve been bombarded ever since with newspaper, television and SPAM advertisements about it. The ads promote the sale of pills that supposedly heal this physical problem. The medications offer terrific results and promise that your life will be changed for the better.

Pluto is in Capricorn now, a sign that supports traditional views and “the establishment,” –in this instance, the medical establishment as well as the wealthy pharmaceutical companies. Mainstream medicine supports the separation of mind, body and soul that is the true reason for this particular dysfunction. It only addresses symptoms and never the real problem.

While ED medications may help the body work physically, the real issue of being blocked emotionally is never really addressed. As we’ll see later, unless the underlying blockages and attitudes that create ED change, these medications can wind up causing even more physical problems.

The Chakra System and how it Relates to ED: We have a series of energy centers, better known as chakras in our body, linked together by the spinal column. When we have issues to deal with, those issues affect our chakras. If we don’t deal with those issues, eventually they will manifest in the physical body. Usually physical problems begin between the ages of 35 – 42 years of age. The heart chakra, in the area of the actual physical heart, is the main area related to ED. Yoga is a great tool for noticing these chakra issues and realizing what needs to be done. Yoga teachings recognize that we have a huge amount of unbelievable power at our disposal that we do not have the maturity to use until after 35.

How Kundalini Blockages Contribute: At around 35 to 36 years of age, our kundalini energy begins to rise. It lies like a curled serpent at the base of our spine, then travels from the base of the spine up to our crown chakra at the top of the head, and then out to the universe where we’re all connected.

If the kundalini energy is stopped at a chakra, it means that emotional issues around that chakra have not been worked out. If we don’t deal with issues, if we think that blaming others for the problems in our lives is fine, physical symptoms will begin to show themselves. In erectile dysfunction, usually the energy tries to rise but becomes blocked at the heart chakra, which is located right under the bottom of where your ribs join. The heart chakra rules love, compassion, and sharing.

The heart chakra is the key to keeping the kundalini open. In order to do so, men must become more like women by sharing their feelings, being compassionate and more loving. There has been so much conditioning of men to be heartless, logical and dispassionate. It’s a struggle for them to turn it around. I have spoken to large groups of women about this and the response is always the same. Men who suffer from ‘not getting it up’ keep to themselves and never share their feelings (Opinions are not the same as feelings!)

During the kundalini opening, men must look for the good around them. So many men who suffer from decreased potency will begin searching for the woman who can turn them on. Finding another woman is not the answer. The answer is within.

Kundalini and the Planet Uranus: The stars do affect us. When a kundalini blockage becomes urgent, any astrologer can figure out what to do by watching the planet Uranus. Transiting Uranus begins to oppose natal Uranus as part of the midlife cycle of planetary aspects around the age of 36.This is the time when the kundalini energy is triggered.

Uranus rules the sign Aquarius and is the planet of technology, intellectualism, separateness, and detachment. When transiting Uranus opposes natal Uranus, there’s a point when Uranian traits like detachment and the rational, scientific way of thinking have gone too far. They’ve cut us off from our feelings and shut us away from real connections with one another.

The Uranus opposition says, ‘all right now, put away the games and begin to really relate to each other.’ By that age, many Uranian types—including Aquarians—have spent so much time exploring in the mind and outside the body that it’s hard to change gears overnight and go within. That’s why this part of the midlife cycle can be such a challenge and why symptoms like ED can appear.

ED—the Symptom, not the Problem; Why Pills don’t really solve it

When the kundalini energy rises and becomes blocked at the heart chakra, it returns back down the spine to the root chakra and that’s when some men begin to experience erectile dysfunction. There are always emotional issues before we experience physical problems. If the heart chakra issues are not worked out, eventually the physical heart will cause them problems.

Being physically fit can help, but will only delay the problem. The man who coined the term ‘jogging’ wrote a book on it years ago. It became the rage, and I remember seeing this very large coffee table book placed prominently in all the book stores. The author was extremely fit, but died of a heart attack while jogging at the age of 42. Hmmm!

I have talked to so many women whose fathers, brothers, uncles or grandfathers have all had heart attacks. Some died, some had a second chance. All of them could not share their feelings before the attack, because they were hard-hearted, and some were just so closed off. When a man does suffer a stroke or heart attack, usually his life changes. He will cry more (as opposed to never, a good sign that the heart is open) because events and the situations of others will touch him more. He can become more thoughtful. Why go through a heart attack?

Medications which force energy up the body in order to have an erection sound great, but if the heart issues are not faced and changed, a heart attack can still be the outcome. Without your emotional engagement with your heart, the constant forcing of kundalini energy through the heart chakra will have dire consequences.

I asked a doctor once about problems with ED medications. He said there have been far more deaths due to side effects than we are allowed to know about, but the information has been suppressed by powerful, wealthy pharmaceutical companies.

WARNING: Taking pills to create an erection is like being given a black belt in martial arts without the training. As long as you never fight or spar, you’ll be fine. However, a couple of good fights and you’ll be on your ass or worse.

How Can a Kundalini Blockage be Healed?

If your heart chakra is blocked, begin to open up, send love to those you know and those you don’t know at least every day. You will feel great and your heart chakra will begin to open. Be honest, see the good in your life and whatever you do, throw your heart into it. Be passionate. Share, share, share your feelings, not your opinions. Of course you must feel safe when you open up.

Other Alternative Methods: Yoga, especially kundalini yoga, will specifically help to open your chakras. The exercises are designed to help you operate from your heart.

Tai Chi works with unblocking your energy flow in your body. Qui Jong is an old healing art and very little work will make you sweat and help clear blocked energy. Reiki is gentle, yet useful tool for figuring out which traumas have lingered and are still in your body. Book a Reiki session for yourself before signing up for classes.

Rolfing is a form of deep tissue massage. It’s a rough, yet effective way of locating body-held stress and past emotional issues and of releasing them.

Meditation—How to Send Love: Locate your heart chakra (under the bottom ribs), close your eyes and picture a white light leaving your heart chakra and going to someone else’s. Do this for 5 minutes. Send love to any and everyone you can think of. I used to do this exercise in downtown Edmonton. I would send love to everyone I saw for about 10 minutes. Afterwards, I was so happy that nothing could throw me off for the day.

All of these therapies and exercises are great for helping unblock the heart chakra. Love is the only way to change the situation. The Beatles were right. All you need is love!

About Maggie:

I have a double major in Psychology and Sociology for U of Guelph and a diploma in Social work from Centennial College. I graduated with a B.Ed from the University of Calgary. I have always been interested in everything mystical, psychic and metaphysical, so I threw myself into Astrology. I worked on radio and television stations across Canada but exspecially in Edmonton. I have worked as a family support worker, a counsellor, teacher, tutor, a yoga and astrology teacher. I worked with people with addictions, abuse issues, brain damage, autism, schizophrenia, developmentally delays. I studied Tibetan meditation with a man who studied with monks in Asia. I met the Dalai Lama and George Chuvalo, I drank with a Russian national hockey team. I sat and discussed astrology and love with gangsters and their dimwitted girlfriends. I did charts for police, gangsters, strippers, politicians, odd couples, weddings and everybody in between. And, I had six children ( yes, of my own!).
You can contact me at:

Friday, December 4, 2009

Angel Reading

We are here---aah—it is difficult with the energy of an angry person close by. You must send love. You must know that eventually it will become--- you may know long before but it WILL become clear to that person—that negative behaviour with no evidence of love---will become apparent that the common denominator is the angry one, not ALL the others as this one may think.
Do difficult people and situations follow you around? You can give the anger out to your friends and receive it back from a stranger or someone you thought was a good friend, a different friend. Then the reaction will be,”I have done nothing to him/her. Why did he talk to me like that?”
The finger will point at behaviour over and over until the person gets it---until the person says, ”Oh maybe I’m getting it back?” silently or not.
Meanwhile do your best. Be kind, thoughtful and not a doormat. Leave, be unavailable for lash outs and freak outs. Abuse is abuse.
Anger is abusive, when sent again and again. When anger is sent repeatedly, yet the anger sender has a limited social calendar (few contacts for venting such anger), the anger can return through things breaking and constant negative interchanges with others whether instigated by the angry person or not.
Let’s not waste a life, be alive, enjoy, be grateful and laugh whenever possible. Do not allow the anger to short out your energy, manifesting the best is possible.
Just say your truth with love. Some say the truth hurts, it will if there is malice behind it. The ego could be so wrapped up, it needs to feel good at another’s expense. That is unhealthy, yet it happens daily.
Breathing, yoga, qui gong, meditation can all help build confidence and belief in the self. In that way, you can believe in another. The ego becomes balanced rather than in control.
Love, laugh, enjoy, be grateful, life is to be lived with as much joy as possible. Don’t look for the negative, you will see it. Just don’t worry. Concentrate on the positive.
Believe in self and life is great!!!

Thank you angels

Angel Reading

We are here and isn’t love better as it does work well. Kindness and compassion are the way to go. Now be aware of the words you choose to use---some consciously and many unconsciously.
Think and FEEL if the thought is positive or negative, help or hurt. Even something negative can be talked with love and with appropriate words. If you are coming from love, there will be no criticism with the words. You must be calm, maybe even funny, but love is the essential ingredient in conversations (with thought).
Being straightforward is best, just add love and humour; an unbeatable combination.
Sending love, before you go to bed, will send you off to a wonderful sleep and even better dreams.
To send love: the heart chakra (energy center for the heart) is located between the bottom ribs on the chest. Visualize a white pouring from your heart chakra to anyone you wish to send love to. Send the white light to the other person’s heart chakra. Do this for 5 minutes and a feeling of love will flood you.
Waking in the morning becomes easier.
Next, breathing is an essential ingredient in slowing down and bringing yourself to the moment of now. In an emotional or crisis situation, breathe deeply and slowly so that your first instinct to do what you need to do becomes clear.
To breathe deeply: Close your mouth and breathe in through your nose to the count of three. Hold the breath to the count of three, Exhale out your nose to the count of three. Keep your mouth closed for all this breathing. Hold again for the count of three
Do at least ten sets of this breathing. If you have time do 20.
Breathe, breathe, it literally adds years to your life. Funny, it does not seem to be the thing to do with most souls.
Practice sending love and breathing. Both help when you are unsure as to what to do. These exercises will help you do what is best for you, for your heart and your head. The heart really should rule, the head can make it happen. When both are in conflict, go with your heart, the heart is not selfish, only loving. You will get it with practice.
We love all you brave souls.

Thank you angels

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mecury Retrograde

Spa Lady

This is what happened to me. My daughter and I signed up during Mercury Retrograde. That was not a good idea and I had misgivings, but did it anyway.
Most of the staff in Spa Lady were friendly, but I ran into one and then two who were not only superficial but arrogant. Those experiences made me not want to go back to the place which by the way is very impersonal and cold. I could not get out of my contract, so Paramount Acceptance withdrew money until May 2009.
In June, I noticed $2.10 was withdrawn. I wondered why. In July, I saw $2.10 again removed from my bank account. Finally, in August, I called Spa Lady which in turn passed me on to Bob Stanwick at Paramount Acceptance. I asked why $2.10 was being removed monthly from my account when my contract was up. Bob said it was in my contract. Why, I asked. Bob said it was to keep my account open so that I could get a good deal when I renew. I told him I was not remotely interested in renewing and that this was one item never mentioned when I signed up. He said in order to cancel I would have to send a letter stating and by the way, my letter would never arrive in time to catch September’s withdrawal. I am not keen at all on bullies and this company was behaving badly.
I went to my bank to put a stop on Paramount Acceptance withdrawing $2.10. It cost me $10.00 to do this. So September there was no $2.10 missing, but guess what the October statement showed $2.10 missing again!
I found the website and emailed Paramount and told them they were like thieves in the night and I want nothing more to do with Spa Lady. Then I received an email and a phone call saying that was not good enough, I needed to fax or send a letter to them.
I sent a fax and will soon receive my November statement. I hope the leeches are gone.
How many thousands of women have had $2.10 removed monthly without them knowing it? This is free money for Spa Lady and they don’t have to do anything for it.
I would be all for it, if this money went to the poor and disenfranchised around the world. They could have my $2.10. However, the thousands and thousands of dollars removed monthly from women who need the money more than Spa Lady seems highly unethical. Spa Lady is another large corporation behaving like a heartless corporation. I have already heard from a few women, who because of their own experiences with Spa Lady are less than thrilled with them.
Why don’t you go check your own bank statements now? How many other companies are doing the same thing?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Angel Reading

We are here and how goes the battle, if it is a battle. It depends how you look at it and how you go about it (life).
Love is the only way to deal with anyone and any situation. Only love can fix things. Being you and sending love can sort the worst out.
So send love, from the heart. Do the visualization with the heart chakra.
Angry people are indeed wounded souls who picture the world against them when really they are against the world. And the cycle continues--- as long as that attitude is held and maintained, those souls draw the worst of the world to themselves. A shift is necessary. Sometimes sending love can help them ( they do need it the most), but it most certainly will always help the sender.
Whatever attitude you have provides the impetus for your experiences. Are people seen as good or bad? If good, the you experience goodness, kindness, compassion etc. Others always give you chances--- nice to receive when you hand out the same kindness and compassion.
On the other hand, if you believe the world is against you then your life can be riddled with negative people and experiences.
You do get what you believe, not much fun on the receiving end for anti-world souls.
Do you want to be right or happy? You can be right and happy if you always use love and kindness in your day to day encounters. Maintain a belief in your goodness and you can easily see the goodness in others. Easy, breezy!!!
Negative attitudes isolate the individual. Who wants to be around negativity? It does become tiresome and energy draining.
Love is the only answer. People gravitate towards those individuals who are positive, kind, loving and funny. We must not forget funny. Even if someone is not naturally funny, that person could still develop a sense of humour.
So laugh and love and see what role you are playing. Do you like it? Does it pay big dividends? Does it bring lots of love into your life? Are people happy when you enter the room or when you leave it?
You know the answer. Be grateful for you, for your shelter, talents, friends, family and any and everything. Begin with being grateful.
Laugh and disengage from the anger dance. It takes 2 to tango, It’s very hard to maintain anger when no one joins. Notice how silly the chronically angry person is; the contortions of body and face are silly and quite repulsive, sometimes scary!
So laugh, enjoy life. You will never regret the joy!!
We love you all.

Thank you angels

Gemini Full Moon

The full moon in Gemini affects Gemini and Sagittarius. Prominent planet placements with Gemini can be affected as well. Each full moon does not affect everyone. The average person can be mildly or severely stirred up by about 5 full moons a year. Not all 13. For about a week leading up to the full moon, your intuition kicks in but only about what is wrong. Emotional outbursts are common. Write your feelings down, note what you have ‘picked up’ and deal with it after the full moon. When issues are pushed to the surface, the urge is to argue and confront now. If you do that, you will not handle the confrontation well. That’s why noting and waiting are good strategies.
Gemini rules the arms, easy to burn or bruise your arms now. Gemini is a very scattered sign, going 10 different directions at the same time. Drivers are more erratic. Where is the Gemini in your chart, which house? That is the spot to watch.
I noticed that I would always break up my relationships around Christmas and I would be compelled to end them. The full moon controlled my actions as I reacted. I’m happy that I did finally notice the pattern.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Angel Reading

We are here trying to keep the world as happy as possible. We love everyone and special kudos to those who saw the funny today--- to those who laughed for they changed the energy of others---and others changed the energy of others and so on; a good day for all involved.
Notice how laughter is infectious. Then notice the infectiousness of anger, it passes from one to another rapidly as does a so called infection. But no one feels happy or great or joyful in anger’s presence. It makes a soul wish to strike back and/or run. Run to where – to who –to whomever and usually to pass on the anger infection. Why? It’s the nature of the beast. Pass on, pass on whatever is handed out.
Do you wish to hand out anger or joy? Hostility or laughter? All infectious. Onesprinkles tension to the world or one which allows love and compassion to shine.
Dark or light?
Death or breath?
Make your decision. It’s your choice to pass on anger, either to pass it on or pass on it. Your choice!
Laughter is far more fun. See the funny. See the joy in another. See the good in another.
Take life for the play it is as William Shakespeare said. What is your role? Do you want to do the dance of anger or laughter, joy or happiness? What you give out comes back tenfold. Getting back can be terrific or not.
What will it be?
Laughter, love are the best tenfold, even one fold.
So send love, enjoy, be fearless. What you concentrate on draws itself to you, because you are obsessing. A good obsession will serve you well.
See every encounter as an opportunity to be in the moment. Then it easy to enjoy. Don’t race ahead or look back.
Be here, now!
LOVE IS ALL THERE IS. Some great paths to get there are laughter, acceptance, joy and love.
Pay attention to what you give out. Don’t be surprised when it returns.

Thank you angels