Tuesday, December 29, 2009


As a child, 80% of your dreams are from the past (past lives) and 20% represent the future. As an adult, the opposite is true, 80% are future and 20% are past. Children often have bad dreams and when there has been no trauma or violence either from their lives or television, parents often wonder why. Past lives which are much fresher for them, can stir things up.
I had a reoccurring dream from the time I was very young until about the age of 12. It was night time, dark, no moon and I could hear low rumbling sounds which scared me. I stepped outdoors, in the shadows of my house and I could see tank after tank coming down the street. I knew I had to hide because if those guns saw movement, I would be a target. Panic grabbed me by the throat as I ran into the back alley attempting to blend in with the trees. My dream always ended with me attempting to hide and feeling completely scared. Now, I feel that I must have lived in Europe during World War II and died there as well. Everyone has had some dream over and over again. Take a look at it. Is it ongoing or has it stopped? Start writing and begin tracking your dreams. Wait for a few weeks before re-reading them. Pay attention to what impressions you are getting. It can be a lot of fun.
Now here’s an ANGEL take on dreams:

“Some dreams are real and come true the way they appear. However, most dreams are full of symbols. It’s your heart and mind ‘s way of letting you see what worries or needs to be concerning you without causing an anxiety attack or panic.
In every day, as you are dreaming, you in the dream state understand far more than when you are ‘awake’. The feeling of the dream was important. If you remember nothing else, remember the feeling.
The ability to fly, to lift heavy objects, defeat foes or do anything, is your invitation that YOU can do anything!!!!!
The dream state allows you to feel powerful or not! The power is there. The ability to deal with anyone or anything is there!
In the waking state, your inability to believe in yourself comes crashing down. The dream state is to show you your capabilities, among other things.
In the dream state, as your spirit leaves your body, you can connect with anyone, even us Of course that is why relatives and friends who have left this earth often enter your dreams. Much of what you see includes angels, definitely spirit bodies. You can see far more with your spirit eyes than your physical eyes.
However, you don’t always remember much when you awaken. A fast way of connecting to your spirit state is to take out the trash. Once a day, preferably upon rising, write down all the thoughts going through your head. Close the book and don’t read it again. Your choice to write 1, 2, or 3 pages daily or alternate.. In a few weeks, more kindness will begin flowing through. Your dreams and wishes will begin to show up on your morning pages. The can’ts, won’ts and don’ts will disappear. Your essence becomes clearer and very positive. This is any easy exercise.

Earth souls have much more power than allowed to believe. You have been limited as to how much you believe you can make a difference. You can make a difference in your life by believing in your self and this will be passed on to others.`
Do you want your good dreams to come true and the bad ones to disappear? Take note, write down what you remember (from your dreams). Take out the negative energy so the real you and your path can shine through. So many people wake daily in a foul mood, infecting everyone they meet. Infection spreads quickly, this does indeed affect the energy we all share, the universal collective energy. A kind word, a smile, a little humour or a laugh can all change your day for the good. In turn, you can change and improve the day of another.
When you believe in yourself, you believe in another and another. You need to believe in each other to change the world to a more compassionate state it is destined to be. Ask for our help and we will gladly help you.”

The book, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron is one terrific book if you would like to increase your ability to find your talents and dreams.