Friday, December 4, 2009

Angel Reading

We are here and isn’t love better as it does work well. Kindness and compassion are the way to go. Now be aware of the words you choose to use---some consciously and many unconsciously.
Think and FEEL if the thought is positive or negative, help or hurt. Even something negative can be talked with love and with appropriate words. If you are coming from love, there will be no criticism with the words. You must be calm, maybe even funny, but love is the essential ingredient in conversations (with thought).
Being straightforward is best, just add love and humour; an unbeatable combination.
Sending love, before you go to bed, will send you off to a wonderful sleep and even better dreams.
To send love: the heart chakra (energy center for the heart) is located between the bottom ribs on the chest. Visualize a white pouring from your heart chakra to anyone you wish to send love to. Send the white light to the other person’s heart chakra. Do this for 5 minutes and a feeling of love will flood you.
Waking in the morning becomes easier.
Next, breathing is an essential ingredient in slowing down and bringing yourself to the moment of now. In an emotional or crisis situation, breathe deeply and slowly so that your first instinct to do what you need to do becomes clear.
To breathe deeply: Close your mouth and breathe in through your nose to the count of three. Hold the breath to the count of three, Exhale out your nose to the count of three. Keep your mouth closed for all this breathing. Hold again for the count of three
Do at least ten sets of this breathing. If you have time do 20.
Breathe, breathe, it literally adds years to your life. Funny, it does not seem to be the thing to do with most souls.
Practice sending love and breathing. Both help when you are unsure as to what to do. These exercises will help you do what is best for you, for your heart and your head. The heart really should rule, the head can make it happen. When both are in conflict, go with your heart, the heart is not selfish, only loving. You will get it with practice.
We love all you brave souls.

Thank you angels