Tuesday, March 2, 2010


We are here, yes the question of crystals… Crystals can be used to clean energy much like sweet grass or sage. Sleep with one if you choose. Auras do get messy and can be cleaned using crystals.

Crystals can be used for seeing the future; usually a meditative state is necessary. It is best to try in pristine conditions, among trees, near water and certainly best among wild uncultivated trees and plants.
Crystals can be used to focus your intentions. Crystals pick up on waves (everything radiates waves) and sends waves of intention through the air. Keep thoughts positive and never use negatives. For example state,” I intend to help all those I see today through positive use of energy,” or “ my intention is for my health of my body to be the best.”

Using mantras such as “I am healthy” or ‘I am love” or some such positive example while holding a crystal, will help focus the intention to its best. You must only think positively and let it go. Life is to be lived to the fullest. Good health can make a difference between the ability to focus or not to focus.
When adding an intention with a crystal, keep it simple. There is no need to keep adding or to keep talking. Say it, let it go and get on with your day. You will notice a decrease in worry or concern. You will feel better.
If you ask for abundance say,” I intend to experience abundance in all forms, see yourself happy and let it go. When abundance shows up, thank the universe, God, the angels: just be grateful.

Many crystals have been found and are much more honoured now because so many ex-Atlanteans and Lemurians are here again. There is a subconscious pull to crystals, a subconscious memory for their abilities. Let the crystals call you, when looking for one. Wait until you feel the pull. Everything has a spirit as do crystals and rocks. Although crystal gifts are usually yours due to other people feeling the crystal is for you.

Listen to your heart. Find the words to say and you will find new life experiences with more magic in your life. Crystals can transform your energy into a much more positive expression. Crystals have been used in healing in many past, advanced societies.

Thank you angels

When I went into labour with my last child, I took crystal with me to the hospital. Once in the room, I placed the crystal on my stomach and noticed a lessening of labour pains. My husband and the labour nurse got into a conversation and forgot about me for quite awhile because I was quiet. I didn’t mind because the crystal did work!! I wish I would have used it before!

A few weeks ago, I was short of funds. So using the crystal I visualized through intention receiving $500 by the weekend. By Sunday night I had been given a total of $500! Make sure you never use the word need. That keeps money away.