Monday, April 19, 2010

My Daughter and Angel Readings

My daughter calls quite often from Austrailia and we often have long discussions. The last three times she wanted an angel reading. Here they are.

April 5, 2010

Talked to C. today. She feels like she has changed. She wants to be the girl she was, not angry.
She had a dream of being at the club, but she wasn’t working. She felt very weak, passed out, so tired being there.
C. asked me to do an angel reading. Here it is.

We are here. Well, it seems obvious that C. feels the bar is taking the life out of her and that it’s time to move on before she passes out and can’t find her way or the strength to go. She feels she has returned to the land of the living and now is a good time for her to follow her heart.
She must be true to herself. How to do that when she does not know? The book you are reading will be a help. Love is all she needs to reconnect to herself and to the universe.

Thank you angels

• The book is called ‘Living in the Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek.

If we write down our dreams, wait for a few days and read them aloud, they can make sense.

April 9, 2010

C. called today, she was quite upset. She hates the bar. She likes other people there but not the owner. She said he was a pervert. She can’t find another job. She asked for an angel reading.

We are here, we are here, we are there… We have been trying to help C. but if it strikes her as what she does not want to hear, she ignores! What she wants and needs are not always the same. She must listen to how she feels. If she feels good, fine, if not, should she pretend it’s still fine?
There are other opportunities, but not where she is. She does feel this, but does not wish to look elsewhere. Who knows what could happen should she? We cannot tell her what to do but only encourage her to pay attention to her feelings. Sometimes that is the best, to begin young, to go there --- to do that!
Does this sound cryptic? It is not meant to be that way. But, the one truth she does know is, the place of work is not good for her. Money is not a good reason to stay, ever! This is important she is true to herself first.
She needs to be around those who wish the best for her by being the best for themselves. Any other association is unhealthy. We will continue to help when she asks, whether C. notices or not. We are here to support.

Feeling good about herself, is not as good as it could be. Having positive people around her is best. We love her. We love you C. Listen, listen. We are always around. We are hard to hear when you are worried. Yet, we shall stay. All ways.

Thank you angels

Finally, C. quit her job the next day.

April 19, 2010

Talked to C. last night. She doesn’t know what to do, is confused. She can’t find a job since she quit the bar. She said.’ I don’t know what I am supposed to do. I don’t want to be a failure. Dad’s going to think that. I can’t find a job.’
Then she asked for an angel reading. I thought that the angels always have a cool way of phrasing things, so I was happy to oblige.

We are here, that crazy, little, funny C! She is fun to watch but has a way of blocking what is right in front of her.
She knows how she feels, uneasy, unsure, sad, etc., but she does not want change, change of where she is and the fun she loves. So much is in her waiting to be released. She must believe that her best efforts in any area bring results --------- not always the results she wants but the best results.
Bets efforts in an area which is closing should not be seen as a failure but as an entry to another endless assortment for new possibilities. When one door closes, stop pounding and look for the new door (in your case, you see exit). Will you take it? Your choice!
Remember each closure means time to move on. Enjoy the excitement of the unknown and believe it to be great with new opportunities. Then, every new entry will seem less like an exit.
We love you C. We have been trying to help. You are so funny!. Sometimes the heart urges what you attempt to fight. Go with the flow when you done your best. Obstacles happen for a reason. It’s your choice to push them or go around. You have pushed. Is it working?
You are plucky, indeed. Love you, we do, dear C.

Thank you angels

Of course we had a long talk, but C. was much happier when she hung up.