Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I told my children if they could not read the ingredients, don’t buy the food. So we read everything, cereal, bread, crackers, margarine etc. So many chemicals are in everything we eat.

However, margarine was hailed as being healthier for the masses than real butter. Hydrogenated oils were in all those foods and more. Even the ‘heart’ margarine had hydrogenated oils. Do you know that you have to raise your body temperature to cremation mode to get rid of those oils in your body? There was finally a huge outcry against those oils, but a lot of companies called them trans fats, so that consumers would not look for hydrogenated oils in other foods.

The ‘heart’ margarine went into action getting rid of the oils, claiming still that their brand was good for your heart! Those oils block the arteries. How many people became sick or died believing the B.S. they were told? There are still plenty of chemicals in the margarines that my body and your body will not recognize. Butter is the most natural and thus, the easiest to digest.

If I am careful about what I eat, why would I not be careful about everything I put in my body, such as medications or vaccinations? The toxic chemical list which finds its way into our medicines is sinful. Mercury, which is highly toxic, would never be allowed in our children’s mouths, yet every vaccination in Canada (in the U.S. too) has mercury as an ingredient. Mercury or thimerosal causes learning disabilities, brain dysfunction and nerve damage among other things. If a thermometer breaks, the liquid mercury is so toxic that even touching it with your fingers will make you sick, sick, sick.

When my first three children were small, I was very conflicted about vaccinations. They only had a few and were sick after each one. The nurses will tell you to expect this. According to my logic, anything that is supposed to keep me well should not make me sick even one day. So I began to research the vaccinations.

Here’s what I found.

A group of families in Quebec sued the government for the illnesses and diseases their children got after being vaccinated.

From 1961, all polio victims were tracked and discovered that every one of them had received the vaccine.

In 2000, two researchers tried to find the cause of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). What they did find was that in every single case of SIDS, each child had received a vaccination within two weeks of dying. There was a large data base of 5000.
In 2000, families all across Canada were suing the government for the terrible problems their children had suffered. I only saw it once in the news and then it was hushed up.

Last year, I had several autistic children in my bus. The parents told me that after the last vaccination around the age of two, the children went from normal to autistic. Does this sound like Jenny McCarthy’s son?

A friend worked for a couple of doctors working in preventative medicine and the doctors refused to get their own children vaccinated. Why? All the patients the doctors saw were sick as a result of early vaccinations.

In 1998, the schools in Edmonton began to vaccinate for Hepatitis B, starting in grade 5. Since my daughter was in grade 5, I went to the library and did some research. I read through 152 medical trials. There were so many side effects that England stopped the vaccinations, France stopped the vaccinations and Belgium (made the vaccine) stopped the vaccinations due to hair loss, blindness and tumerous side effects.

I called the school and said I did not want my daughter getting the vaccination. The secretary at the school became quite angry, so I asked her if she knew what the side effects were. Of course, she did not. So I listed them for her. The school gets paid money for each student who gets the shot.

When H1N1 made its appearance, those on heavy medications were the first encouraged to get vaccinated. So a weak immune system was taxed with more poisons. The deaths I heard about were people who were already sick.

A pharmacist sent an e-mail telling people not to get the vaccination because of the mercury content. He listed all the possible problems including death. He said he could not believe that this vaccination was encouraged and he was pharmacist!

Who knows what is best for us? We do. If it doesn’t feel right, do the research. The government does not seem to want what is best for us. They have access to far more information but are not looking out for us at all. People get hushed up.

I went into Chapters during the Meningitis scare for information about the dangers of vaccination. There was not one book against, although one could be ordered for me. The shelves were loaded with pro-vaccine information. Hmmmmmmmmm!