Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I do think that God is like a parent who REALLY loves us. We don’t always get punished for not making choices our parents want us to make. Wait a minute, some parents are like that. If we behave, they love us and if we don’t, well……….
However, there is much talk about unconditional love and how as parents, we should love our children with no strings attached. I believe that is the real deal. This is how God is. He loves us unconditionally. Is He not the real example of unconditional love?

The religious take on God is more human, loving and judgemental, forgiving and punishing, more like us humans. Didn’t God give us free will? Doesn’t that mean that sometimes we don’t make the best choices? Should we be punished for minor bad choices and major bad choices? If God has all this power could He not just strike us down instead of sending us to hell? God has been humanized with the worst human traits of intolerance, lack of patience and a ridiculous judgemental attitude by most of the religions. This is an easy way to control souls who are not sure if their particular religious leaders are correct or not. Make them feel guilty. We are so easily controlled if we can be made to feel guilty. Also, you can burn in hell if you break religious rules.

One of the things I do is go in and de-haunt houses. Stuck ghosts always feel guilty for their earthly actions, even when they were extremely religious when alive. Even the ultra religious can be afraid of moving on. Thousands of years with religions controlling how we think, who we talk to, who we marry and what we do has had a tremendous impact on all of us. It’s time to realize and recognize that God is the source of unconditional love. This is the God I believe in.

What happens when people return from a near death experience? They are no longer afraid of God because for the brief time of death, they were greeted with love, so totally and completely that they don’t even have words to describe the death experience. No fear of dying now or where they will go.

Who is in charge of the afterlife? God! Why do returning souls only feel love? Love is really all there is. The concentration of love is really what all the religions should be concerned about. Rules are meant to be broken when they go against the heart. God is all about unconditional love, shouldn’t we be copying that?