Saturday, November 21, 2009

Astrology: Did you know

Aries rules the head and are known to get headaches. Aries are often in a hurry to get where they need to go. Banging their heads is common. Many Aries end up with scars on their heads as a result of not looking where they are going. Aries is a terribly creative sign and are famous for having a million and one ideas. Unfortunately this sign is also famous for being sent to jail. They really must try to use their good ideas! After all this is the pioneer sign. They will go where no one else will.

Did you know that Taurus is the farming sign? The average Taurus is wonderful with plants. Almost all your dying plants can be brought back to life by a Taurus. Taurus rules the throat and many Taurus males often have thick throats giving them a very solid and strong appearance. However, little Tauruses can suffer from tonsillitis and bronchitis.
I met a couple of Tauruses who were married to each other. It was like watching a couple of cows slowly move around in a pasture.

Did you know that Gemini is the salesman sign? Geminis are famous for their clever talk and witty repartee. This is also the artist sign for it rules the arms. My own sister is an artistic Gemini who once broke her arm falling off the doghouse. A Gemini can pretty much talk on any subject, but if someone else knows more about a specific subject, the Gemini will change the subject.

Did you know that Cancer is the family sign? They also love food and a well placed Cancer in a chart can indicate a good cook. I once sat next to a Cancer on a plane who proceeded to tell me all the best places in North America for eating hotdogs, lobster, steaks etc. Then he added, “I’m on a diet now.” Cancer rules the breasts and men with Cancer often stare at a woman’s breasts when they talk to them.

Did you know that Leo is the acting sign? They are famous for being very dramatic. Leo rules the heart and Leos are famous for their generosity and big hearts. Leos love their hair and a trip to the hairdresser can be a traumatic experience, if the cut is not to their liking. If a Leo closes off his heart to love, watch out for a heart attack.

Did you know that Virgos can drive their children crazy? The constant tendency to criticize can be overwhelming. When a Virgo arrives at a new situation they can easily see all the problems. This is the nursing sign. Health is a big concern and many Virgos become vegetarians. Since I lived with a Virgo and I am one I can say this. This ex-Virgo held up a mirror to me which made me say, “ if I act like that, I promise I will not from now on.” So easy to say. Virgo rules the intestines, so constipation can be a problem,

Did you know that Libras believe inequality? A Libra can always see when the scales are not balanced in a relationship. Many Libras lean toward becoming lawyers because the unfairness in the world needs to be rectified. Libra rules the kidneys and liver and those are also the weak spots. However, Libras have a very difficult time expressing their feelings and can be really good at pointing out the problems other people have. This is not a morning sign. Tread softly until noon.

Did you know that Scorpio is the sign of the spy? Scorpios can ferret out secrets from the best of you and yet will reveal nothing personal about themselves. They do have a hard time trusting anyone and can become very cynical with age, not a pretty sight. Scorpio rules the sex glands, reproductive system. Yes, this sign is famous for bed hopping.

Did you know that Sagittarius is the athlete and traveller of the zodiac? Take a look at Australia, a Sagittarius country. Are they not famous for travelling? Sagittarius rules the hips which is where the body holds balance. Sagittarians are known for their sense of humour and can be armchair philosophers, if they haven’t travelled. A lack of tolerance can speed up hip problems.

Did you know that Capricorns aspire to great power? Usually a poor childhood with less than enough love will do that. Capricorn rules the back, knees and teeth. Caps often believe in the status quo and can live to be very old. They love rules and figure everyone should obey without question. Often as they become older they can live the lifestyle of a hermit. If a Capricorn does not learn to bend, then the knees, teeth and back can become a problem.

Did you know that Aquarius is the scientist sign? They have a huge curiosity about the world and enjoy meeting people who have seen and done things they haven’t. They can talk when prodded, but can tune out a crowd of 5, 000 if you have an interesting tale to tell. Aquarius rules the calves. This absent minded sign (and it often is) can easily forget appointments if something or someone more fascinating shows up.

Did you know that Pisces is the dancer sign? Pisces rules the feet and many Pisces often end up with foot issues. This is also the most psychic sign. Did you know that there are a large number of highly placed Pisces who reached those levels because of their trust in their psychic ability? This most compassionate sign must be careful of not becoming martyrs. So many Pisces are often in relationships that are less than happy and develop illnesses for loving attention. The best cure is to dance every day and do what is best for them.