Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Have you ever found yourself interested in other countries, time periods or languages? Reincarnation is a fact with many countries in the world. That is not to say that those people that know remember lives. Children are the ones who can remember details and as parents we often put it down to a great imagination.
Where do think young genius comes from? It could be a talent developed in a past life and remembered on an unconscious level. Why would I have only one life which has been great, when another may be born crippled or blind or deaf?
When I was married to my first husband Bruce, we both enjoyed historical drams. He enjoyed watching the lives of royalty while I was fascinated with the women working in the taverns. When I began waitressing (while still married), I took to it like a duck to water.
When I cast a chart, I can always see past lives which have much to do with likes, dislikes and personality traits. While attending the University of Calgary in the 80’s, I saw past lives superimposed on every new person I met. That lasted for a year and a half, these images came unbidden. My friends would eagerly wait for my impressions.
One woman, Anita, who was obtaining her B.Ed brought two images when I met her for the first time. There was a man , dressed in nondescript brown clothing who had been stoned for speaking his mind and left for dead. The other was a woman from a harem. I told Anita that the reason she never gave her opinion was the stoning and her love of beautiful clothing and style came from the harem life. When Anita had her chart done, I gave her more details.
A client in the group homes I worked in was very loud and talked about writing a book about the west. I saw him as a gunslinger who pretty much took care of anyone without much thought about it. In this life, his father was long gone and his mother had very tenuous ties to him. I did see that he was responsible for her death in the gunslinger life. Unconsciously, David’s mother had been very hard on him as a child and had beaten him saying she could not deal with him.
Another client Emma was autistic and non-verbal. Whenever Emma was upset ( very easy for her), she would bite her own arms so that her arms were always red and rashy looking. Emma’s mother left Edmonton, so Emma very rarely saw her Mom. I saw Emma (in a past life) as a member of a royal family, a spoiled member. In that life, Emma would beat and hit anyone who came within striking distance, if she was displeased. Now she was hampered by her own reflexes and beating herself.
Everything comes back on us and I, for one, want it to be the good stuff.
Whatever I hand out gets returned, tenfold. Do I want to be constantly angry or consistently happy? Blaming outside influences will get me nowhere, so I choose not to do the angry dance.

Illnesses can often appear as a result of past lives or negative attitudes such as guilt, anger or shame. Boy oh boy we can all carry a lot of those. Send love to everyone you like and dislike. Don’t carry the negativity with you. It will weigh you down and make you sick.

Judgements are for the birds, they can cause you to temporarily feel better when you assume the judgement position, but eventually you will be judging more and more and tolerating less and less. We need to cut each other some slack since we can’t walk a mile in each other’s shoes in this life. If I have a hard time liking anyone who is Asian, brown, black, gay, Moslem, Hindu, Indian, fat etc., guess what? You will be exactly what you can’t stand in another life. Watch your words and your thoughts. Love is all there is, for a great life.

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