Monday, November 30, 2009

Angel Reading

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I had just picked up my daughter from her weekend trip to Vancouver. She stayed with her cousins and had a great time. Once we arrived home, my daughter commented on a 4 wheeled chair sitting in the backyard. I said I may bring it in the house, for it’s probably a better chair than the one I use at the computer. Cali was not happy and told me she would buy me a chair rather than have me use one left in the yard. She mentioned that we did not know the previous owners and hinted that the chair could carry some something. Anyway, she was not in a positive state over such a simple annoyance and neither was I.
I did an angel reading and this is what came through.

We are here and happy to be here. Humour--- seeing it and finding it in everyday situations is a most positive and exhilarating experience. We see a lot of humour which many miss. Laughter has the next best energy to love. You must laugh, a lot and often. Many will fail to see humour in everyday situations, so mired in their lack of appreciation for the funny. Too many on your plane believe that life is a serious business. That is silly in itself.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, lived, lived and laughed; the only way to get through most times. As you Dad would say, “ if you don’t have a sense of humour in this family, you won’t last.” Very true, some of the relationships did not last partly due to no humour in them. When children are brought up to laugh then when an attraction or relationship has little or no laughing later on in life, it will have little chance of longevity. Any relationship which has little or no laughing becomes a tedious strained relationship in just a short time.
Love, true love, requires humour. Laughing together reduces tension and builds bonds. We (collectively here), love to laugh and those of you who are funny or see humour get our vote and laughter. Sometimes we get to replay very, very humanly funny scenes over and over, the way your son does.*
Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter does lighten the load and laughter does allow other possibilities (in any situation) to be seen. See what is funny, after a while it will not be hard to see. After all the grimness and seriousness of day to day living is easily seen and carried out as a burden by so many. What if every one spent a part of each day looking for what was funny? The world would change over night! There has been enough fear either deliberately manipulated or just a reaction to life. Isn’t it time for a change? Life can be way more fun and lived with more feeling. Look for the funny, that in itself will bring you to the the moment. Being in the moment allows you to make the best choices for your future.

Laugh, laugh, laugh.

Thank you angels

* My son Rigil will replay funny parts of a movie over and over again and laugh uproariously each time. At this point in the meditation, I saw the angels laughing at what another son Armin was saying. He has the humour of Jim Carey and makes us all laugh.