Thursday, February 11, 2010

Magic and Intention

We are here. Yes intention is very important for intention creates the magic. Think of what you are doing and why. Sometimes it is only to do the best you can. For you driving a bus safely is important, to think of that brings help. This can bring more awareness. Magic is very much out there for there is no logical means with which it seems to happen.

Be aware. Be very aware and your day, your life becomes far more magical and far more purposeful. Even though there will still be times of wow, is this happening? Good!
Now, magic can work. Magic is everywhere from the first buds in spring to a smile that can affect you in such a positive way. Positive interaction between souls widens the aura, brightens the smile and makes you both more receptive and able to handle what comes next.
Believe in being positive; believe in the best in each other: that IS magical! Never mind all the spirits, sprites, fairies and elves that exist without you seeing them, creating magical work such as blossoms, unfurling closed buds and encouraging plants and trees to grow. Mother earth is magical, how the earth is refreshed each spring especially noticeable in northern climates.
Notice how the wind sweeps away pollution in the air and pollution of the mind. How the rain is a blessing with nourishment for all beings, encased in each rain drop. How the sun offers nourishment as well through rays of sunshine.
Imbalance means too much of one and not enough of the other as in man’s attempt to control nature from growing plants to pollution in the air, to weather manipulation.
Nature knows best. Learn from it. Trying to dominate it without understanding, is like going to war with another country and not even attempting to understand the inhabitants. In the long run, the conqueror will be the conquered one, as has been shown over and over.
Look at the magic around you, laughter, singing and dancing. Love is everywhere if you notice and add to it. LOVE brings out the magic.

Thank you angels