Thursday, February 4, 2010


Okay, so you may be experiencing a little difficulty in those areas of your life where you have not been as responsible as you could have been. Saturn is in Libra and Pluto is in Capricorn and quite a few of you are feeling the pressure. Libras (September babies), Capricorn (December), Aries (March) and Cancer (June) have accepted the challenge to find balance in their lives. This is not the time to really get ahead at anyone else’s expense, actually, no time is. What has been neglected? Is your job a dead end? A lot of relationships can fall apart now if you are being stopped from dealing with you.

It is easy to bully from sheer frustration or to be bullied. Don’t allow it. Sometimes the bullying is to remind you that you don’t want to be there and you need the extra push to leave.

The search for a spiritual connection to the world is a great way to start. Learn to meditate or enroll in Tai Chi, Khundalins yoga, Qi Gong or some other form of mind, body connection activity. Going the spiritual route will really make things clearer to you. Now is not the time to succeed in business but to find in which business you belong.

Finish those loose ends in your life. Staring something new is best if all the old stuff is neatly wrapped up. Pushing yourself to get to the top could cause some physical problems. Don’t worry about getting ahead. Be in the moment and send love to everyone to make your life easier. Eventually, sending love will just feel great. When you are in a positive state, decisions are so much clearer and easier. Fear and negative moods will not put you in the path of opportunity. Never make a decision when you are depressed, fearful or negative. I’m sure you know what the results are likely to be, negative, negative and negative.


Saturn represents business, with responsibility and integrity, of course. When Saturn is pressing on your life, it feels like a burden. The secret is to discover your passions, you already know what your responsibilities are. What you need to do is to feel good about you. The heart does not lie even if you lie to your heart. No pretense now, just follow your heart. Sometimes your heart will take you where angels fear to tread (really not true, but an interesting saying!).

Place one foot in front of the other and do it! As Yoda said there is no try, just do! We could not have said it better. Be the best you can be and follow the heart path, the spiritual path. If you are religious, fine, but make sure your heart is leading. Many people follow religion with no heart input. Participation will feel hollow, empty and heartless.

Throw your heart into everything you do, no halfway moves here. Some ways of exploring the heart (spiritual side of you) is to meditate, in nature if possible. Trees really help tremendously in clearing fear and blocks to the heart---to you.

Be fearless---easy to say, much more difficult to do. So many are accustomed to rule following despite feeling conflicted about enforcing the rules, (if you work for a large corporation, many are heartless) or having the rules enforced on you.
Rules are made to be broken when rules restrict your heart.

Saturn is really there to help you be the real you, if you are not marching to the beat of your own drummer. Saturn will make your march feel less than wonderful, depressed, negative, petty or sad. Ask for help to clear your head. Opportunities to grow will always be at your door. It’s not a bad thing, but sometimes little worlds need to be shaken upside down--- to get the best of you!!

If you do your best, your heart will sing. If you don’t do your best, your heart will feel heavy. Which do you want for you?

We love you all so much, you are brave, brave, brave!!!!!!!!!!