Saturday, January 30, 2010


I worked in group homes and day programs with individuals with an assortment of problems. Autism, schizophrenia, brain damage, cerebral palsy, developmental delays were a few represented. So many were wonderful people and I am grateful for the experience.

Some of the people who were diagnosed with schizophrenia had used drugs when they were younger. Many had never used drugs, but some family dynamics were strange.
The one common theme for me was that the voices these people heard always told them terrible things about themselves or others.

One client, Rose came from a family with one parent. Her father died when she was young. Rose’s mother was extremely controlling and although Rose had a good education, she really doubted herself and was guilt ridden. Her voices always told her she was in trouble, people were talking about her and jail was imminent. No matter that none of these dire (to Rose anyway) predictions came true, Rose still listened.
When the voices would be strong, I noticed a big brown, elongated shape hovering well over her head. When I told Rose that the voices lied and never told the truth, the hovering thing poured over her head towards me. It looked like something from a horror movie.
Other schizophrenics I was around had dark shapes and brown things around them.
The voices are real despite what the doctors tell these poor souls.
When I showed my clients how to surround themselves with love, the voices disappeared for awhile. If I burned sweetgrass or sage, the voices would disappear for about 24 hours.

Several years ago, I attended a special lecture on Death and Dying at the University of Guelph. The teacher was a man called Ian Currie. Ian went on to tell about the case of a client at a mental hospital. It seems that a woman, Joan had been hearing voices for some time. She told her family that a man was bothering her, always talking to her and constantly harassing her. No one else could see this man. Eventually Joan’s family took her to a psychiatrist and she was committed to an institution. Of course, Joan was on meds to silence the voices. She withdrew even more. Then Joan cut her hair really short and changed her clothing to look more like a man. She walked like a man and sat like a man, unlike her former self. The psychiatrist had Joan come in for an appointment and she sat there answering question with aggressiveness and hostility. The psychiatrist asked what happened to Joan and while questioning ‘Joan’, the doctor sent Joan white light and love. ‘Joan’ became agitated and said he didn’t want to stay in the body anyway because the woman (whose body it was) never left him alone. With that the male entity left and Joan returned.
A psychic, Helen Main told me that she died for several minutes and during that time, an angelic guide took her to a few places. One of them was a bar. She could see all the patrons of the bar drinking and hovering around the drinkers were dark spirits. When the drinkers became overcome with alcohol, the negative entities would swoop into the bodies. Then arguments and sometimes fighting followed. Heavy drinkers are often not themselves. The refrain that so many people over the years have repeatedly stated, ‘He’s a nice guy when he’s not drinking is a rather true comment.
I call these negative takeover entities ‘hitchhikers’.
Since I have also been around drug users and alcoholics, I have seen hitchhikers. My own daughter, C, told me a story about such an experience. It seems that my daughter was visiting a friend of hers who was trying to stay off drugs. My daughter had been through a drug stage and knew how dangerous crystal meth could be. C’s friend decided to call up someone to deliver what she (Kate) was trying to avoid. The dealer arrived looking scuzzy. He was the first love of my daughter’s. C was shocked to see how bad he looked and Nathan was surprised to see her there. Now C’s friend Kate and Nathan both tried to get her to do crystal meth. C decided to go to the washroom to try to clear her head and decide what to do. After she splashed cold water on her face, C looked in the mirror and saw a terrible looking apparition hanging over her head maliciously staring at her. She gasped, dried her face and hurried out of the apartment.

There needs to be a different way we deal with mental illness. All the meds in the world may block the voices for awhile, if they are lucky. Have you ever seen pictures of people who have been on meds for a few years? You’d swear they were on street drugs. Those drugs do age them. Anyway, I can’t imagine hearing voices and discovering that no one believed me. Schizophrenics are told over and over again that there are no voices, it is their imagination. I don’t think that will ever speed recovery.

This is the angelic take on schizophrenia.
Those souls who have attachments despite what ‘modern medicine’ likes to believe, are caught. This is a result of karmic control from other lives. Controlling and manipulating another through one life can cause the manipulator to be controlled by another, eventually. Most upon the earth do not give any credence to what is not seen or felt (by them). They are definitely blocked not to accept that there are things that go bump in the night.
Those diagnosed with schizophrenia suffer from having one foot in this world and one in the other. However, not all is bad because being around this balancing act helps those who are fearful, scared to realize (sometimes a small amount) that their fears are baseless. Not wanting to be in the same shoes as a schizophrenic can be an eye-opener.
All the medications in the world don’t really help because on one hand, meds can dull the voices but on the other hand, the meds can increase how much the person can hear. Just like street drugs can attract lower entities, medications can entice these same entities to stay around.

The voices are very destructive and it’s very hard not to listen when the voices are there constantly. Meds, drugs are not the answer. Perhaps, something better for the soul would be the answer. Love does indeed work. Those hangers-on operate on fear, guilt, shame and lies. Love is foreign, positive and can banish these lower entities. You must use good after bad. That is why anger does not work. Only love can clear up anger, change the energy.