Thursday, January 28, 2010


Holy Cow! Pluto has shaken up the establishment too. The secrets of the government, agencies working for the government have all found themselves naked, hiding in a towel. If what is presented on the outside is not the real deal, heads will fall and have they ever!

Remember the H1N1 fiasco? During this whole world wide sweep of fear, a former state minister from Finland stated that the vaccination was a sham. The plan from the drug companies manufactured the flu and then produced a vaccine to prevent what they unleashed. This minister clearly said that the drug companies wanted to make more money and this plan was formulated to make more. She warned that it was unsafe for young children and pregnant women.

As recently as last week, a European health organization announced an investigation into H1N1. The study will involve the collaboration between the World Health organization and the drug companies to make more money for their coffers.
There must be a fair amount of panic in the ranks.

Since Pluto rules secrets and secret organizations and Capricorn rules big businesses, this was bound to come out. The drug companies and their allies used terrorist tactics (Pluto) and are being exposed to the world. Capricorn also rules reputations, great reputations that have not been honestly earned are due for a shake-up.

Pluto in Capricorn can affect physical ailments involving sex and the spine. Issues which concern those body parts can be the tip off for you to straighten up and come clean. What is bothering you that you must talk the talk? It is a time for integrity. Judgements about others will bring in judgements about you..
In a relationship you better be the honest one, because secrets will come out. Whatever has been hidden, will be exposed. Sexual secrets will come under closer scrutiny. The only ethical way to act is from the heart.

Now Pluto is square Saturn. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, so it’s like a double whammy. Expect the unexpected. You must find a balance in your life by going against rules which do not agree with your heart’s reaction. Look for the good in people, especially your family. Be as honest as possible without any abrasiveness.

When the car, Saturn came out, I thought, ”Oh great! Having a Saturn in the driveway should bring in all those responsibilities to roost.” How many problems became magnified? Such a car is like having someone over your shoulder telling you to do what you need to do. Obligations involving family, marriage and work have a tendency to blossom uncomfortably. I did not want such a car.
On the negative side, Pluto represents war and endless suspicion and Saturn represents lack of love. Put the two together and they will do anything to get what they want.

As an individual being influenced by the planets, I must believe in myself which in turn allows me to believe in others. The energies of Saturn and Pluto will have a positive effect, even though I may have to try and balance duties with what is best for me. It is not as though I will escape, but following my heart is the best way to go.

The big companies and governments (Capricorn) around the world have taught anyone who works for them that the bottom line is money. No one is given a break, there is a lack of compassion in the prescribed rules. This is the time for the heartless big guys to pay the piper. As a worker in such organizations, why won’t you be the first to work with your heart? There are times in all our lives when we need a hand. Be in the moment and you will make the best decision for your future and maybe someone else’s.

When I went through my Saturn return, I decided to return to school, university to be specific. I hardly even felt the Saturn return because I was doing what I needed to do. One side effect was that I was pretty broke but happy. Check Saturn in your own chart and check transiting Saturn or do a solar return for Saturn’s placement.