Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Angel Reading - Love and Laughter

Love and laughter are good things to include in your day, good things to concentrate on. We love you and wish to encourage you to continue in this way. See the good. See the funny each and every day, because everything else will still be there and magnified by the media and those who are in fear.
But don’t you magnify the unhealthy! Whatever you concentrate on, you magnify and draw closer. The fear mongers who run things know this truth. Most people blindly follow without much thought running with fear, carrying it with them daily, hourly and by the minute.

Think love and laughter. Life should be lived and enjoyed, not feared and hidden.
Notice suspicious people end up alone, as though their paranoia is contagious. It is. Eventually, so many choose to avoid the very suspicious.
Now notice those who are happy. They are surrounded by souls who enjoy the energy. They would not phrase it that way, but it is true.

Misery loves company but no one likes miserable company. Laugh and you will increase the company you keep. Humans gravitate to those who are positive and joyful--------for good reason!! Their spirits are uplifted and the feeling gets passed on,

Which are you? We love you. Keep up the good energy. Laugh and you will never be alone. Enjoy life and you will have opportunities to share with others. Appreciate the gifts that come along and you will be rich.

A rich person is one who is loved, not wealthy with money, wealthy with love. Love is the best, the best antidote for what ails you!
Live, love, laugh!