Friday, January 1, 2010


We are here and happy to be here, all ways, always. Be in the moment as much as possible. Negative judgements rarely manifest when in the moment. Racing ahead or allowing the past to spring forward can bring on a judgemental attitude, difficult not to have with some souls. Other souls who have limited their attitudes and platitudes to that of a judgemental nature grew those very attitudes from others towards themselves. What is given out is returned ( not always from the same source).
So the attitude of judgement is so strong that others around get drawn in to judge. This is hard to avoid. It is necessary to be in the moment to get the best of the moment.
Life can be fun, boring, exciting , harsh; name any adjective, noun or verb. It’s what you think it is and what you believe it is that will come to pass.
So, negative views become reinforced just as positive views do. Which view do you want? What are you going to project? A fun, cheerful, positive, shine on life or a hostile negative take on life. Negative people attract each other. After all that’s what they expect, other people to be bitter, hostile or cynical.
Positive people are often seen as flaky, scattered rather than positive. Of course, guess who judges that? Whatever your view is, becomes reinforced. What you believe is thrown back at you.

Do you believe that people are good, kind, thoughtful or helpful? Then your experiences will draw you to those very people. As you hand out kindness, thoughtfulness and openness, it returns to you.
Or do you believe that most people have little if any redeeming qualities? Expect the worst and get it returned! Ooh! This is not a great way to live, not really living, maybe just existing.
Also those less fortunate should not be there for derisive comments and judgements. They are there to increase your compassion and open heartedness. ( The homeless popped into my head.)

Judgements do not allow for compassion. Judgements are assumptions that are restrictive. Do not expect a change (for the good) in a relationship with judgements or a judgemental attitude. How can things change when judgements from the past interfere with the present?
See each moment as a gift, an opportunity, the possibility for growth, love, kindness and humour. It is never too late to give another a chance. Everyone needs an opportunity, a chance to bring out the best.

We love you all so Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!