Friday, February 19, 2010


This is so ridiculous. Who makes the decisions for war? A simple answer is men. Men, women and children are pawns in this hostile environment. But the chess geniuses who plot and package war to be the only alternative have never really checked out the options. It’s time for the female energy to take over.

War in one place contributes to the hostility of the universal energy that we all share. This helps increase the meanness in personal relationships half a world away. So add several wars and fear, anger and hostility multiply. The way the world is controlled (and it is controlled), is through fear and anger. We are much easier controlled when we are afraid. So the fear moguls plan how best we can be scared.
For example, recently there was that famous H1N1 scare. People in Edmonton , out of fear, flocked to the clinics for the vaccination to this new threat. There were constant ads on television which increased the fear.

Now a European health organization has launched an investigation into the World Health organization and the drug companies who made the vaccine. The European organization stated that there was no health crisis. It was manufactured by the drug companies and the World Health organization to make more money. I always used to wonder how the World Health organization could predict pandemics when in fact, this unethical group has probably planned and executed all of the vaccine panic for years. I did hear that Dick Cheney owns one of the drug companies involved in this H1N1 fiasco. Anyone surprised? Any man who had his first heart operation in his thirties is suspicious. As an astrologer I know, that is when men who have closed hearts begin to have heart problems. If these men don’t open their hearts, the problem will persist. I have not seen any kind of compassionate action from Dick Cheney. Hmmmm!

We must be kind to each other and send love to each other, especially world leaders. We don’t need any more wars or any more drama in our lives. Let’s appreciate our differences rather than being afraid of them. I have a whole bunch of four year olds every morning on my bus, of different colours, religions and nationalities. They are sweet innocent children. Why should children in the wrong place be killed and their killing be rationalized? It’s time to give each other a chance. Let’s try to understand each other.

There are two books which I recommend as positive reading.

Living in the Heart by Drunvalo Melchizadek
Serpent of Light By Drunvalo Melchizadek